Chapter 21- Families and Heros

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Natalia's POV

I wake up in a foreign place I've never seen before. I look around and I'm still in Josh's hoodie and I'm in, what seems to be, a queen size bed. I see a door on my far right. I get up and instantly my head felt like it was exploding. But I had to find out what's happening and where I am.

I open the door and walk out of the room to find that it was about noon. I can't remember what happened after I got the stuff from the top of the rock. I look to my left and see a flight of stairs and I head towards them only to hear the familiar voices of my group and new voices. I am really confused and my head really hurts I call down the stairs but my voice was weak so I sounded weird, "Josh?" I hear him jump up from were ever he had been. He appears at the bottom of the stairs. He sees me and runs up the stairs he gets to the top and picks me up his arms around my waist. I remember THIS perfectly well. He pulls me in for a kiss and holds me there for a minute. Yup this is all pretty familiar. He pulls away and smiles down at me,

"How are you feeling?" He asked looking at me concernedly. I shake my head, which was a bad idea in hindsight, 

"My head feels like it's gonna explode." He chuckles

"Well you did fall about 40 feet off the side of a rock." oh yeah I remember now. I slipped on...Something.... and fell off the side of the rock. I look up at him and ask,

"Who's down stairs?" He looks down the stairs to find the rest of the group ease dropping,

"Erm....I think you should come see." Oh no please let it be some one I don't hate or really like. He gently grabs my hand and helps me down the stairs. Josh starts to speak ,"Hey new guy!" I hear a familiar voice that I just couldn't put a voice to the face,

"Yeah?" He asks. Josh looks at me and pulls me around the corner,

"This is my co leader." I look at the man and it''s...,

"DADDY!!!!!" I run towards my dad who was now standing and racing towards me he picks me up and hugs me. I start sobbing into his shoulder like I was five again. I whispered and cried into him, "I knew you were okay. I knew you made it out okay. I'm so happy to see you." He grabs the back of my head and holds me for a minute. he starts to talk,

"I saw the wall your friends had put up a wall and I knew that me and-" My dad was interrupted my my little brother who screamed up at me

"TALIA" I look over my dad's shoulder and scream back at him,

"JAMES!!!" I squirm and my dad put's me down I run over to him and pick him up. I start to sob again. "James your okay. I knew dad would keep you safe I'm so so-" I start to choke up on my own tears. "I don't know what I would do if I lost you Bubba...." His nick had been Bubba ever since he was three. I whisper into his ear,"I love you Bub." He laughs and hugs me back,

"I wuv you to taya." I missed the way he couldn't pronounce his L's. I laugh and put him down. I kneel beside him and kiss him on the head. I look up to see my grandma I run over towards her and hug her. I look around at my family,

"I'm SO glad you guys are all okay." I start to get caught in my tears again My dad walks over towards me and smiles,

"So I hear from Josh you are the co-leader of this group." I shake off my tears and nod,

"And what else did Mr. Josh happen to tell you?" I said folding my arms and sending Josh a sly look. My dad shakes his head,

"That's it. But I kinda figured you stopped at my house and grabbed the food and weapons seeing as my name is on the shot gun he is holding." I look up at him and laugh,

"Yeah. That was the only place I knew had weapons and ammo." My dad let out a hearty laugh,

"I'm proud of you Talia. You done good kid. Now you get to lead this group and find your way with everyone you love by your side." I shake my head,

"It's not everyone yet." He nods his head,

"I know we still have to see about Your mother and sisters" I nod my head I wanna start to talk but I was interrupted by the screams of a large group of people. 

"HELP US!!!!PLEASE WE HAVE KIDS AND THERE ARE ZOMBIES PLEASE OPEN UP!!!!!! PLEASE FOR GODS SAKE WILL ANYONE PLEASE HELP US THEY ARE GETTING CLOSER!!! " It was like a broken ipod stuck on reply. The same pleas just calling towards us. I try to run but my head just wasn't having it. Josh bolts out the door. My dad picks me up and runs with me in his arms.  We get towards the wall and my dad puts me on his shoulders so I can see. I look over and I shout down at them,

"OPEN THE GATE NOW!" Josh followed orders and opened the gate. A stream of about fifty people ran in. The zombies just so close behind them. As soon as they were all in Josh put it back up just in time to stop the group of about twenty zombies. Josh pants.

"Jeez that's a lot of people Natalia" He says to me as he looks up at me still on my dads shoulders,

I look down at him (For once) "Josh do you not realize you are now these peoples hero? The boy who saved there kids just because he opened the gate to let them in? The boy who saved them." He smiles and let's out a chuckle,

"You always look on the bright side don't you?" He says as my dad puts me down and heads inside,

"I'm gonna check for bites on these people okay?" I nod my head and wave him inside,

"You have to or you will go insane." He laughs again and pulls me into a hug,

"Well now we have a bigger group which means we need to start expanding the wall and clearing more houses." I look at the wall surrounding the house and smile,

"You did a good job co-leader" He laughs and shakes his head,

"Some one had to." He said happily he began to talk again but we hear a scream but this time it was from inside the house,


Some one was bit and they were Originally members of the group......SHIT!

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