Chapter 17- Permenant Camp

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Josh's POV

I'm slightly a head of her. Glance behind me and she was gone. I stop and look around me, "NATALIA?" I shout. Shit did she fall? I start walking back to try and find her. BUT I stop when I hear the trees move I look up and there she is travelling by trees. "NATALIA!" She was like 8 feet off the ground but if she fall the wrong way she could get REALLY hurt. She glances at me startled and loses her footing on the branch and she starts to fall, SHIT I run towards her and just barely catching her. She had her eyes closed and then opened one of them. She laughs. Why is she laughing? She could've died,

"Why am I not surprised that you caught me?" She laughs again and jumps out of my arms and starts sprinting,"DISTRACTION!" She yelled back at me. That little... I sprint after her. She is fast but I'm faster I catch up so I'm behind her. I grab her and pick her up. She squeals and starts to sissy hit me. "PUT ME DOWN!" She yelled as I ran through the forest carrying her. We got to the bottom of the rock and I put her down,

"Woah..." I froze look up the rocks side, "This is one big rock." She laughed

"The view is worth it though." She said sending me a sly look, "Follow me." She grabs onto one of the trees that was growing out of the rock and holds onto one of the ledges, "Come on." She signals me over.  She swings her weight upward and starts to run up the rock using the trees for momentum. She gets there in like thirty seconds. I follow what she did but it was a lot harder then what she made it out to be. But I got to the top and she pulled me up. We walk across the rock and find Dessy, Genna, and Jacob. They all greet her with a hug. She smiles at them and begins to talk to them.

I look out at the view. She was right this was an amazing view. In the distance, about a mile, is this little town in the middle of the forest. I poke her side and she looks at me, "Is that it?" I point to the village. She nods and slowly said,

"That will be our permeate camp. We will build up walls to keep the zombies out. And the ground there should be pretty fertile. So prepare for a months worth of hard-work guys." Everyone groans, "HEY, would you rather be safe or lazy?" Genna looks at her,

"Can't we be safe AND lazy?" Natalia laughs

"After we build the walls we can." We all start to laugh but Jacob interrupts us.

"Well, shouldn't we be heading there then." She nods but he still continues "Natalia, I have a question for you." She nods her head. But something tells me this isn't a question I'm gonna like. "Well I was kinda wondering maybe if you might like to share one of those houses... with me?" Natalia looked taken back and then glanced at Genna who was just as shocked as she was. She looked at Dessy who put her hands up like I dunno. She then looked at me and I chuckled. Jacob got mad. "What's so funny blondie? You think your so special your gonna get to live with her? Well I asked first." He glanced at Natalia and walks towards her put I grabbed her hand and pulled her behind me,

"What do you think your doing?" He tries to walk past me towards Natalia but I pull her to the front of me and hold her in a backwards hug. "WHAT do you think your doing?" I asked again he walks behind me and that's when I bent over in pain and dropped to my knees.

"Not so tall now are you Josh?" He asked. But I couldn't breath and I was holding back puke. Natalia dropped to my side and the glared at Jacob, who was now laughing at me. She got up and marched over to Jacob and punched him in the stomach.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Natalia shouted angrily. But he just laughed and said,

"I kicked him in between his legs." Natalia went to punch him again but Genna grabbed her arm,

"That's enough Natalia don't stoop to his level. Your better then that." Natalia looks at Genna and nods. But Dessy steps in,

"Bruh, I'm not above his level." She swings back her foot and kicks him in his balls. He screams in pain and falls to the ground. Natalia walks over towards me and kneels back down next to me and rubs my back.

"You okay?" I nod my head and stand up. I limp towards Jacob but Natalia stops me and pulls me into a hug and says. "Your better then that. " I think for a moment. He is so lucky I don't wanna let go of Natalia or he would be off the side of this rock right now.....

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