Chapter 3-What's that whistle?

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Natalia's P.O.V

Genna was right, as always. But who could it then? So I sat there and pondered on how Jacob had described the person he saw. Ripped clothes and a limp? That almost sounds like... Before I could finish my thinking process Jacob jumped up angrily and said "Listen, I have no idea what's out there but there is no use in psyching ourselves out."

 He kept talking capturing everyone's attention but I got distracted by a strange whistling sound that was increasingly getting louder. I think it's coming form out side. What is that noise? Then it all happened at once. I got sent back flying into the wall by some unknown force and then everything went to black. 

A few moments later I slowly open my eyes and I see everything around me broken and in flames. My eyes trace back to where Jacob had been standing, in his place was a piece of wall and I squinted and saw a protruding arm from under it. I take a short gasp trying to figure out what I was looking at. I try to call out Jacob's name but my ears were ringing and I couldn't  hear anything. I look to my left and there was Genna laying on the ground with a gash running from the bridge of her nose to her forehead. She wasn't dead though, and the only reason I knew that was because I could see the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. 

That's when I hear the quite gurgle of noise from outside where the wall had blown open and that's when I see a large group of monsters walking toward us, they looked exactly how Jacob had described.I push myself up off of the ground with what little strength I had left in me. I knew I couldn't just leave Genna here to die so I grab her by the arm with as much strength as I could even muster and threw her arm over my shoulder and held her by the waste.

I was hobbling down the hallway as fast as I could. But then I heard Genna start to groan in pain, so I went to the girls bathroom and flung the door shut and locked it. I waited for her to wake up so I could explain the craziness that is happening. But first I had to clean out her gash before it could even get the chance of getting infected. So I grabbed the paper towel and ran it under cold warm water. I slowly walked over to her and started to dab at the cut. She started groaning again and then she opened her eyes," Natalia?" I shook my head,

"You have a pretty nasty cut in you head." I stopped dobbing and handed the paper towel to her. She slowly felt for the cut and started cleaning it out as I explained what had happened to her.

After I finished explaining she had tears running down her face and she was shaking. But I knew we couldn't stay here, or we'd get cornered and killed," I'm sorry Genna I know this is hard but you have to be strong we can't just sit here and cry. We need to get to the roof and see if we can call down the plane that dropped that bomb. It maybe a little stupid but I've seen what's out there we wouldn't make it past the those things, so the roof is our best bet."

she stopped crying and nodded her head shakily. "Let's go then" She said halfheartedly...

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