Chapter 7- 3 months later

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Natalia's POV 

After all this time we now have an indoor farm kept in one of the basements of on of the houses. Fully functional guard towers that the grown ups work and the teens work the schools with what knowledge we have. Everyone is happy and we have a normally functioning society. Well for a town in a zombie apocalypse. We had grown like family each growing closer bonds with everyone. We would do what it took to protect each other.  Whatever it takes... I thought to myself. Me and Jacob were walking the streets just talking saying hey to everyone. And yes Jacob had just gotten a cut he wasn't bitten. Josh was out looking for food because our farm wasn't gonna hold with winter slowly closing in. I looked around at our growing happy town and smiled. Happy how me and Josh were taking care of the town. That's when I heard a noise. It seemed to becoming from behind the wall. 

Genna's comes bolting around a house screaming,"THE WALLS ARE COMING DOWN!!!" Jacob and I look at each other and start running towards the wall. We take the corner  towards the wall and sure enough the wall was coming down. The adults were at the top of the towers pushing on top of the wall trying to keep them up while the rest were shooting at the zombies trying to push through. Me Jacob and Genna run to the top of the tower and picked up our shot guns and started taking zombies out. Head shot after head shot. 

I turn to Jacob only to find that he had stop shooting and was looking at me," Why the fuck did you stop?!" I shouted at him turning back to keep shooting. He grabs my shoulders and turned me so I was looking at him,

"Natalia." He says gently," We can't keep going, there is just to many of them. Come with me Natalia, we can Leave this and make it out safe. We can do this together. We don't need them so long as we would have each others backs." My face contorted from confusing to red hot anger,

"The hole point of these walls and me was to keep the people within them safe. I'm not leaving them to die. This community is like a big family to me. I am NOT ABOUT TO LET THEM DIE! So if you wanna leave and be a coward and leave these people to die then fine I don't care. But i certainly WILL NOT!" I turn back pick up my gun and start shooting at the zombies again. When I look back Jacob was gone and I could see him running away from the wall and towards the back exit. I shake me head. Ass hole. But I can't say he was wrong, there was a lot of zombies on the other side. Too many to hold off. I turn towards Genna who was also shooting off her shot gun and then I tap her on her shoulder. She turns towards me and I tell her to hand me a grenade. She didn't have time to hand me just one so she handed me the hole belt. I look at the belt and remember, Whatever it takes... Genna turns back to start shooting but I grab her by the shoulders and turn her towards me. I look her in the eyes and felt the tears start running down my face. For this was a decision that couldn't be taken back.


Natalia's face could say it all but she still said it anyway,"Genna take good care of this place. Treat these people like family. Guard them with your life, and do whatever it takes." Genna looked confused but in an instant she realized what Natalia had said. Before she could even utter a response, Natalia was over the wall and on the other side....with the grenades strapped around her chest. The zombies turned towards the now sprinting Natalia and started running after her. Genna panicked and jumped over the wall. Fully aware of what Natalia was about to do so everyone could be safe. Apparently Josh was back cause he was right behind Genna. Genna glanced over at him,

"What are you doing shouldn't you be protecting the town?" She saw tears streaming down his face,

"I'm in love with her, and I'm not letting her go this easily."  By this time Natalia had gotten far enough a head so the town would be okay but the two could still see her. She felt the group of zombies surround her swinging at her. Trying to take a bite of her. The started to get closer to her but she had a grenade in her hand and pulled off the tab. Tears streaming down her face. Josh called out to her," NATALIA NO!" Tears just kept streaming down her face. Natalia looked at him and mouthed her four last words. I love you Josh. That's when it went off and like a chain reaction  the grenades around her chest blew up making for a massive explosion. 

Genna fell to her knees screaming into the sky," NOOOOOOOOO, WHY?!?!? I COULD'VE STOPPED HER! I-i could've....." The rest of her words got lost as she started sobbing into her hands. BUT instead of a regular fiery explosion, there came a very bright white light that consumed everything.

Natalia's POV?

"WAKE UP!" A voice shouted at me. I look up to see Taylors ginger hair in my face. She looked at me with a slight confused slight worried look, "You alright? You fell asleep as soon as we got to homeroom." I rubbed my eyes,

"Yeah.... just tired" I stretched and let out a loud yawn. She nods at me and lets out a small laugh. 

"Understandable. It is six in the morning on a monday. But this make no difference we have to get to Tech Ed." I nod my head and walk out of a room before a voice interrupts my train of thought.


----------------------------THE END-------------------------------

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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