Chapter 19- Blame & Hugs

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Dessy's POV

We all stared at Josh stood in the bent possession like he was still waiting for her to land in his arms. He stared at her and we all stood in an awkward silence until Josh broke it with a loud "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I WAS SO GODDAMN CLOSE!" He fell to his knees and and cried into her cold lifeless body, 

"How did she even fall?" I ask still holding Genna's head in my lap. He looked at me and sniffed his noes and hiccuped. He looked up and saw the cause. She had lost her footing on Jacob's puke off the side of the rock. He froze and slowly moved his head towards Jacob's direction and said disgustedly,

"You......YOU DID THIS." Jacob tried to explain himself,

"I-I didn't think that-" He got cut off as Josh got up and walked towards him.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT..... YOU CAUSED THIS...." Jacob tried to backwards walk away from him. But he fell back over a stump and Josh stood towering over him. Josh grabbed him by the shirt and picked him up so his feet were dangling off the ground they were face to face. "This is your fault if you hand't had try to make a move on her she would still be standing next to me. Maybe in a hug maybe screaming at us for fighting like IDIOTS. This is ALL your fault." Josh gets closer so they were nose to nose. "And I'm not gonna kill you. You know what I'm gonna do instead? I'm gonna let you go insane with guilt because it's your fault she died. I'm gonna let you carry the weight of her death on your shoulders and I will NEVER let you forget it. It will make you go insane I PROMISE." He looked like he was gonna continue until we all heard a rustle of leaves were Natalia was. We all looked over to see her standing,

Josh dropped Jacob and he fell back on his butt. He turned around and just stood there. "Natalia?"

She looks at him and nods and rubs the back of her head. "I-I don't-" She started to sway and Josh ran over to her just in time to catch her as she passed out. Josh picked her up like she was a new born baby and it was the best site he had ever seen. Josh glanced over at Jacob,

"Your lucky she's alive. She probably has a concussion that's why she passed out. She probably got some energy by laying down for a minute. BUT your lucky she got up when she did cause I was about to pick up were we left off before she fell." He pulled her closer so she was lying against his chest. He was holding her like a newborn because we all knew she wasn't walking. He looks around and his eyes land on me. "You think you can wake her up and help her walk?" I nod my head. He looks at Jacob, "Grab the food and weapons. We have to get going now before it turns to night if we hurry we can get there in an hour." Me and Jacob nod.

I take Genna's head off my lap and place it on the ground. I gently shake her and say "Genna. Genna? Wake up we have to go before it turns to night time." She slowly opens her eyes and looks at me,

"Do I have to?" I laugh and nod my head. She gets up and leans on my shoulder and Josh walks over towards us with Jacob following behind him.

"In the words of Natalia....Onward....."

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