Chapter 13 - Calm Down

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Jacob's POV

Natalia had been acting different ever since she had to shoot Gavin. I mean I would have to if I had to chose between to lives. In the end I think she did the right thing. If she didn't, Gavin would have been a danger to us all. He would have killed Genna and who knows who he would have killed after that.

I look around, we were all just sitting on the couches just watching TV, mostly nick though, the rest of us just sat in silence with our thoughts. Except Natalia, she was upstairs getting us heavy clothes so we can travel warmly through the cold winter months. I look around at everyone but the only person that meets my stare is Josh. I kept looking around though and I began to speak, "I'm gonna go check on her," I said nervously, "She  has been up there for a while without a word to anyone." Not even to me. I thought to myself. I was met with blank stares and quiet nods as I headed upstairs.


It would be so easy. Natalia thinks to herself. It would be so easy to just take this rope and this chair and step off. I took someones life with my own hands. I don't- she starts to silently cry as she raps the rope around her neck -I don't think I can do this. I KNOW I cant do this. She steps up onto the chair and on her toes trying to rap the rope and tie it to the ceiling. She hears footsteps start to come up the stairs she tries to move faster but her hands were trembling and the rope kept slipping. Still silently sobbing before she let out a loud sob. That's when the foot steps started running. She tried to hurry but it was to late before the footsteps were upstairs. By the time it happened she was so shaky that Jacob had already tackled her to the ground and had her pinned,"LET GO OF ME!" She screamed,"LET GOOOOO!" she squirmed under his grip,

"Shhhhhhh" he says looking into her eyes. Then more feet started running up the stairs and then everyone one was there. Josh grabbed her arms and Genna grabbed her feet. Jacob goes to untie the rope from around her neck and she starts sobbing,

"NOOOOOOO, PLEASE!!!!!!" Natalia screams, "I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS. I CAN'T i-i-ca-can-" Her words get lost in her sobs. Josh looks at Jacob who was now done getting the rope from around her neck and steps away from her. Josh pulls her up towards him. She doesn't squirm this time, she just kept sobbing.

"Shhhhhh," He says holding the back of her head into his shoulder. "It's gonna be alright. We're here for you remember?" He said calmly, "We are your family. You don't need to feel like you are alone okay? I promise if nothing else you will always have me." She nods her head her breathing starting to slow down to its regular pace. She falls asleep in his arms from exhaustion and stress. He picks her up, she looked so tiny and afraid. Everyone followed Josh as he headed downstairs and put her to bed. He turned around to meet everyone's worried stares. "Well... I think it's plain to see that Natalia cannot handle this job by herself. We need to have someone help her someone she can have help her and bounce ideas off of.." Everyone nods and Genna steps forward,

"Well you are really good option if we are being honest. You got her to calm down enough to the point were she fell asleep. I honestly think it should be you." She looks at the group of people standing behind her and they all nod in agreement, "It's settled then. Josh will be Natalia's significant other." Everyone looked confused. "Her partner." Everyone nodded slowly understanding...

"I will help Natalia no matter what ever happens.... I promise....."

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