2. No one else would be this sassy

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"You must be Ella, if I remembered your profile picture correctly, although you smiled on that."

"You must be Piper, then. No one else would be this sassy at nine in the morning."

"Correct. So school tour then, huh?"

"Yeah, that's what I'm here for."

"So, I have an idea. We do a school tour, but not the boring one. I think I'll manage to find a toilet on my own, just tell me about the teachers, the students, all that."

"All right. Do you have your schedule yet?"

"Must be in here somewhere. Oh, I got it."

"Hmm, looks like we have most of our classes together. Let's see. Mr. Davids can be harsh. I would tell you to be quiet and not get on his nerves, but knowing you, you're not up for that."

"Well, you got that right."

"Honestly, he can make your life a living hell, but you might just make his life even worse."

"Sounds fun."

"Mrs. Johnson is very nice. If you get on her good side, she'll let slip some hints sometimes."

"Alright. I'll try to behave in her class."

"The others are pretty normal I guess, not too bad."

"What about the students, what are they like?"

"There are lots of cliques, but they're mixed cliques. Everyone just has their own group of friends, I'm sure you'll find yours."

"Do I need to avoid anyone?"

"I think you can figure that one out on your own."


"Anyway, that sums it up, I guess. So if you don't have any questions, we're done here."

"Cool, bye."

"You aren't going to class?"

"We got the first period off for this, right? Still twenty minutes left. I heard you can get great coffee at the cafe over there."

"Oh, right. Bye."

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