20. Maybe it's your imaginary friend

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"Hey. I'm going to the cafe down the street for lunch with some friends, do you want to join?"

"Of course. I just have to put my stuff in my locker real quick."

"I'll wait for you. I'll tell them to go ahead and safe us some seats."


"So, I was wondering. Who inspires you the most?"

"You mean like a celebrity or like a real person?"

"Celebrities aren't real people?"

"You know what I meant."

"Whoever your biggest inspiration is. It can even be a fake person if you'd like. Maybe it's your imaginary friend or an alien?"

"Okay, okay. Enough. I think it's my brother. I would like to say my mom, but while she is an inspiration, I really look up to my brother. He taught me so much, not just skateboarding. He actually taught me to be proud of myself. I aspire to be more like him."

"That's really sweet."

"But since you're making fun of me, which celebrity, aka fake person, do you look up to the most?"

"Oh, that's a hard one. I'm going with Halsey. I feel like she is always speaking up on things that are important to her and on things that just aren't right. I want to use my voice, just like her."

"That's great. She actually is a great role model, in my opinion. And you should, use your voice, I mean."

"I will."

"So, that's the cafe we're going to, right?"

"Yes, let's go in."

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