7. Can I say both?

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"Hey, I was planning on getting some coffee, would you like to join?"

"Yeah, sure. Give me a second."


"I'm ready, let's go."

"So, it's a new day. I get to ask another question."

"Oh, right."

"You didn't forget, did you?"

"Maybe. I wanted to think of some good questions, but I totally forgot."

"I'll go first. Since you've already learned that I have a brother, I was wondering if you have any siblings."

"I don't. I'm an only child."

"Must be nice to not have people going through your stuff."

"Yeah, but it can also get quite lonely sometimes."

"Anyway, your turn. Have you thought of a good question yet?"

"Hmm, books or movies?"

"That wasn't what I was expecting, but okay."

"I think it says a lot about a person."

"Can I say both? Depends on what mood I'm in. If I just want to have some fun and not think too much, I'd rather watch a movie. If I have lots of time I can also enjoy getting completely lost in a book."

"Thank god."

"You read a lot, don't you?"

"I thought we would only be asking one question a day."

"Very funny. You just seem like a person who enjoys reading."

"I do, actually. It helps me take my mind off of things."

"So you're a worrier too, huh?"

"You've had enough questions for today."

"We'll see."

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