9. Is that a question?

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Good morning

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Good morning.

Oh god. You're such a morning person. It's Saturday, in case you didn't know.

Thank you, but I was aware of that.

So tell me, why are we texting at nine in the morning?

Because I have swimming practice soon and I want to ask my question before I forget.

Alright, let's get on with it.

What are your pet peeves?

Chewing with your mouth open. People walking very slowly on sidewalks. People using their phones while you're talking to them.

That was fast. You didn't even have to think about it.

Would you need to think about it?

Is that a question?

No, but I do actually want to know your pet peeves, so let me hear them. I'm allowed to use the same question, right?

People interrupting you or talking over you. People who are always late. People that just don't get the concept of personal space.

See? You didn't have to think about it either.

Not really, no.
Anyway, I really have to get going now or I'm going to be late. Talk to you later.

Bye, have fun!

Bye, have fun!

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