16. It just freaks me out

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"Hello, how are you?"

"Doing pretty good, what about you?"

"I'm fine."

"Since we're calling, I've been wondering."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"That first day, you were having lunch in the library alone. I know I asked you back then, but I still wonder why you weren't with your friends. Because I've seen you around with them and I just don't understand what was so different that first day."

"Oh. Right. If I remember correctly, I told you that I didn't feel like it. That was because I had a fight with my parents that morning. I was still pretty mad and confused and didn't feel like talking to them, so I sat alone. Simple as that."


"And no, you can't make me tell you this. The stuff with my parents, I mean. So don't even think about making it into your question of tomorrow. I will definitely block you."

"Hey, I won't. I have limits, okay?"

"Sure. Anyway, I was wondering too. I know you're like this badass chick who does whatever she wants, so what is your biggest fear?"

"Okay, this is going to sound stupid, but I hate riding elevators. It just freaks me out. I don't know why exactly, because I don't have anything against small spaces, so that's not it. It's just elevators that make me feel uneasy."

"That's not stupid at all, actually. I think it's a pretty common fear."


"Oh, I've got to go. Talk to you later!"

"Yeah, bye."


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