Chap. 28

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"So what you're telling us is that you found the fucking safe but it had a God damn encrypted key which you figured out after 2 years. Then once you figured it out you unlocked the safe and found millions of hundred dollar bills alongside diamonds and a note from your grandmother that you refuse you tell us was about. After that you made a new encrypted code and burried the safe. So the person who's after us (Dario Hernandez) found the safe and figured out that it needed an encrypted code. He hunted you down and found you some years ago but you escaped and has been hiding since. And on top of that you're confused on why he's only decided to strike now?" Diego concludes.


I busted out laughing and everyone starter staring at me as if I was an idiot. This nigga has been lying to me???

This nigga been lying to me!!!

I was so pissed off that I grabbed Micheal and roughly, pushed him up against a wall and circled my palm around his throat.

"Micheal I'm tired of your bullshit and you're gonna start telling me everything or I'll hurt you so you can feel what I went through. Look at my face Micheal. It's all bruised, red and beaten up. I feel like my insides are being blended up and I'm bleeding inside too. Look at my once-"

"Alex you're choking him!"

Those words literally passed through one ear and came out the other cause I was really pissed at this moment.

"Look at my once beautiful body. It's all fucked up and bleeding now. Do you know the trauma I went through in that basement?! And the pain between my freakin thigh right now is beyond painful!! And on top of that I have a fuckin gum ache!!! And-"

I didn't finish because he passed out.

Well then.

"Hermano!" Anahí yelled as she rushed to his aid. He wasn't dead, just unconscious and once I released him air flowed again.

Someone charged at me from behind and my reflexes took over so I dodged it, grab their wrist and flipped them over my shoulder despite the pain I was feeling.

Once the person landed on their back I realised it was Anahí.

"You bitch!" she yelled.

From the corner of my eye I see her husband hold a gun up me. All of a sudden my dad and his partner grabbed their guns pointed at him, Elki pointed at my dad and Diego pointed at Emma.

What the fuck?

"What you gon' do? Shoot me?" I say walking over to him.

I was so close that his gun was directly touching my forehead.

"Pull the trigger." I order.

He sighed and dropped the gun.

That's what I thought.

"Now can everyone get the hell out?! I am not in the mood to tolerate any bullshit!" I howl.
"Why would you lie to me about the safe Micheal?"

I wanted to lie again but there was no point in doing so and that would only make matters worse. I also couldn't lose this girl, she's my whole heart.

I sighed before speaking, "Just for the record, you're not the only person I lied to. I basically lied to everyone who asked me about it. I don't trust anyone, not even Diego and you're the only person who have come so close to being trusted. The money in the safe has been in my family for years, you know that. On top of that, it's dirty money. Some of the money were even stained with blood. You know inside that case has money from every generation in my family and the way how they got it is all written in a book in that safe. Those ways included robbery, murder, selling drugs, joining illuminati, human trafficking, selling organs, hacking and so much more illegal ways. If that safe is found by the wrong person shit can go south Alex. Men are gonna die, people are gonna get locked up, fights will break out etc. What is in that safe needs to remain in that safe. Also the safe was actually passed down to Diego, me and Anahí but I haven't told them that yet because I don't know if I can trust them with it. There are so many unsolved crimes that can be figured out in a day by taking one look in that safe! That safe has DNA, teeth, hair, dead men's clothes, bones shit that safe is full. Diego, Anahí and I are supposed to add our part of the money to it now and pass it on to the next generation. We all have the money to do that but I don't want to carry on that family tradition and neither should anyone. If Dario finds out what's in that safe he'll not only take the money but he'll start a war and I can't risk that. This is why I haven't told anyone about it. It's too risky," I conclude.

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