Chapter 33 (Valentine's Attack) Part 2.

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"You guys ready?" Zaniel asks.

"Yeah!" Micheal confirms.

"No we ain't! Can we at least pray?" Alex asks as she holds her hand out. 

Everyone except Nicole held hands. 

"Nicole, c'mon," Lyrycs says.

"Mom, she's atheist," Zaniel says. 

Without a word Nicole left the van to wait until they were done. Everyone prayed a prayer and opened their eyes. 

"Ready?" Micheal asks.

Alex grabbed him and embraced him. "I love you. Don't do anything stupid and please come back to me," she says.

"I love you too mamas and I promise, I'll come back," he says as he kissed her lips.

Chrys and Lyryc hugged and kissed as well, Elki, Diego and Alejandra also hugged and Anahi and Alyosha had a passionate kiss. 

"What are we doing? We are going to come back to one another and that's a fact. You guys are behaving like you're planning to die out there. Let's go! Positions everyone!" Nicole ordered.

Everyone except Lyryc exited the van because she was about to drive it straight through their gate as a distraction. Once everyone was out she blasted trap music and started the vehicle. With zeal she stepped on the gas pedal and drove straight through Julio's gate! Without hesitation the guards started shooting at the bulletproof van. Julio's compound was huge so there was more than enough space to drive. Every last guard from outside followed the truck while shooting at it. 

"What the fuck?! Get that driver!" Julio exclaimed. He was not expecting this kind of ambush but he had his plans in place.

Once Julio was back inside and the outside guards had left the crew entered the compound.

"You guys can't go inside. There's approximately 30 armed men inside," Zaniel says.

"Was Julio expecting us?" Nicole asks.

"I'm not sure but we can handle 30 men," Micheal says.

"No need. I got gas bombs," Elki says as he opens the door and throw one in. In less than 50 seconds the men were running out the room. The crew immediately shot at them.

In 3 minutes time all 30 guards were dead.

"Guys something's happening," Zaniel says.

"What is it Zaniel?"

"I'm....signal. Someone'! Guys don't-" Just like that he was completely shut offline.

"He knows we're here," Alejandra says.

"I know. Everyone, split up! And please be careful!" Micheal says as he grabs Alex's hand. Everyone else scatterred the premises.

"You're staying with me." Micheal assured Alex.

Micheal and Alex walked in the house. To their surprise it was completely empty.

"Guys, something fishy is going on," Chrys says.

"I know," Alex answers.

"Bienvenido a mi humilde dominio!" Julio says.

Micheal immediately raised his gun at him.

"I don't think you wanna do that," Julio laughs.

"Oh yeah, well think again!" he yelled as he circle his index finger arround the trigger.

"Micheal no!" Anahí yells surprising everyone.

"The fuck? Por qué no?" Micheal questions in disbelief.

"Micheal there's something I need to tell you."

"Speak!" Micheal shout in fear of what she would say.

"Alyosha and I've been working Julio and feeding him intel on the plans," she murmur in worry of his reaction. There was always one thing Micheal hated- Judases.

He remained quiet as he try to put together in words what he was thinking and feeling.

"She's not the only traitor amongst you. I too have been working with Julio," Diego adds.

This pushed him all the way off the edge. He walked right up to Diego and punch him in the nose.

"You too?! Diego I trusted you! When every one accused you of working with Julio I denied it! You're supposed to be my right hand and my best friend!" he argued angrily.

"And you! You're supposed to be my fucking sister! Por que?" he yelled angrily but mostly hurt.

"Enough pointless talking!" Julio said.

The rest of the crew members were brought in by Julio guards. There was too many for them.

"You all have a reason not to kill me. I have 1 meaningful person for each of you here and only I know where they are. Kill me and you'll never find them again. And I assure you, they're nowhere close to here," Julio informs.

"You're a liar!" Nicole protests.

"You should be the last to talk, considering the fact that you're father is one of my victims. Nicole-your dad, Lyryc-Judith, Chrys-Neyo, Alex-Zamier, Elki and Diego-Daniela, Alyosha and Anahí-Leeona, Lyryc-Navaeh, Micheal-Elisa and Keith, and Chrys-Mahya. Still think I'm lying?" he says smirking.

"Well isn't this a wonderful family reunion?" James talk as he comes down the stair way.

"I'd like to truthfully introduce my self as Ricardo Hernandez. Hello family! Let me fill in the blanks for you. My real name isn't James and I have always known about the safe. I dated Alex to get to Micheal through her. Royalty stayed with Micheal to get information from him but failed to do so," James (or should I say Ricardo) apprise.

"You're forgetting one main detail. The biggest detail of them all! The missing puzzle piece!" Alejandra loudly voices as she enters.

"GRANIZA PISTOLA!" everyone in the room chanted.

"You really thought Julio was the mastermind behind this plan. He was just my dog to command and control! I've been running this operation since before I killed your worthless father Micheal. And that night when I came to your house, was only to kill you," she laughs evilly.

"Dog? You said I was you're right hand man!" Julio exclaimed.

"Oh, callate!" she roared as she grabbed HS2000 and put a bullet in his stomach. He immediately fell to the ground.

"Dad!" James cried as he rushed to his side.

"Why the fuck did you do that?!" he barked at Pistola ( Alejandra).

"Do you want to be mumber 2?" she asked pointing the gun at James.

"No Pistola!"

"Now—" Before Pistola could finish her Nicole tackled her and knock the gun out of her hand as she started delivering blows to her face.

At the same second Zaniel was back online.

"Guys, I'm back on! What's happening? Someone give me an update!" Zaniel ordered.

Alejandra covered her face and flipped over so she was on top of Nicole. She then started delivering blows to Nicole's face. No one could have interfere (even though they were really trying to) because the guard held them back.

"Alejandra!" Elisa clamor to gain her attention.

"Elisa?" Micheal asks in disbelief.

That's when bullets started flying and Elisa's team started attacking.

"Well if it isn't Elisa. Long time no see," she says.

Elisa and Alejandra had an ongoing, unknow beef going for many years and no one knew until. Alejandra stepped over and unconscious, bleeding Nicole and charged at Elisa.

Things were about to go down and it wasn't about to be pretty!


Stay hydrated, take your vitamins and pray‼


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