Chapter 15 : Enemy's shoulder

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One week passed. Jane barely got out of her room, Abigail was still there to watch her, and Max was doing her best to not break down and kill everyone. Max took a day off, preparing the papers for the therapy. She didn't know why they needed all this information, but she would give them anyway if it was the only solution to have help.

- "Do you need anything?" asked shyly Abigail.

- "Going back in the past and convinced Jane, Lucas, and Bev to not go in Somalia," answered Max without looking up.

- "I mean, something I can do because, I clearly can't do that."

Max had a small chuckle before playfully shaking her head. Even if she still had a problem with Abigail, at least someone was talking to her in this apartment.

- "You seem exhausted, you have big dark rings under your eyes, and...I hear you, in your room, when you...when you cry..."

- "Stop talking, you're gonna cheer me up!" said ironically the redhead.

- "I'm sorry, I'm just wondering how you are..."

- "Why?"

- "Because no one else does!"

Max stopped writing. Abigail was right, no one really asked her how she was without implying Jane, but, she didn't know how she was, she couldn't put words on it.

- "What changed your mind?" frowned the redhead.

- "About?"

- "About dykes and all those kind of diseases?"

- "You."

- "Me?"

- "Yeah, I mean, I never understood how two girls could love each other, and I didn't want to because for me, it was just wrong, it was not even human...But, every time Jane was hurt by me, or the others, you were there for her, taking care of her, defending her, and when you threatened me, I saw in your eyes how important she was for you and...I wanted to be as important for someone as much as Jane was for you..." explained Abigail with tears in her eyes. "I just wanted someone to look at me the way you were looking at her or the way she was looking at you...You made me realize it..."

Max didn't answer. She didn't really know what to say; it was the first time she had had a serious conversation with Abigail since she knew her. She realized that, maybe, they weren't this different; Abigail didn't seem to be close to her family, she was all alone now, living with her favorite High School victim and her girlfriend. Something went wrong with her.

She just stood -needing a paper in her room- and gave friendly taps on the other girl's shoulder, with a small smile.

- "Thanks for your help," said softly Max.

Abigail wiped her tears, sniffed, and weakly smiled to her. Max went to her room to look for more information, letting the blonde girl alone. Abigail sat in the couch, trying to figure out what happened in her life to finish like that and wondering why she had the help of this two while she didn't deserve it at all! But a knock at the door cut her in her thoughts. She opened the door and saw a pretty girl with long brown hair.

- "Uh, hi," frowned Abigail.

- "Hi, are you Jane?"

- "No, I'm Abigail, and you? Who are you?"

- "I'm Lisa, I work with Max."

- "Oh! Okay, come in! She didn't tell me you were coming."

- "She doesn't know," said Lisa.

- "It's certainly why!"

Abigail invited the girl to sit in the couch.

- "I never heard about you, what kind of relation you have with them?" asked the brunette.

- "Oh, uh, it's complicated, we were in the same school, and...we didn't have good relation."

- "Why Max didn't tell me about you?"

- "Because she hates me, it's certainly why!" lightly chuckled the blonde girl.

- "She hates you!? And she lets you stay here!?"

- "Yeah, I can't believe it either!"

- "You're sure she hates you?" frowned Lisa with a suspicious tone.

- "There is no way for her to like me! Why do you wanna know that?"

- "For nothing."

The corridor door opened, and Max froze. She wasn't expecting Lisa to come here! She slowly closed her door, to not scare Jane, and quickly walked to her.

- "Why the fuck are you here!?" told angrily the redhead, keeping her voice down.

- "I wanted to see you!"

- "You could have waited for tomorrow!"

- "I'm tired to wait! And who's that!?" asked Lisa.

- "Who!? Abigail!? She just lives here, what does she have to do with that!?"

- "I don't know, you let a girl you hate live with you, it's weird."

- "It's, it's none of your business! If I want to let her live here, I let her live here! You came to lecture me or what!?"

- "No. I wanna know who you're gonna choose."

- "What!? Choose who!?"

- "Between me and the person you call girlfriend!"

- "You're kidding, right!? I thought I was clear when I said we were going in therapy! There is still hope!"

- "There is no hope, Max! She is crazy!"

- "She is not crazy! She is...lost, and tired, she just needs help!" stated the redhead.

- "Fine! But I won't wait forever," said sharply Lisa.

- "I never said I was going to finish my life with you! I love her, okay? I always did!"

- "Oh yeah!? Why are you always crying then!? You're not happy with her, it's a fact! That's why you came to me!"

- "I didn't come to you, YOU came to me! I never said it was serious between us, it was just like that!"

- "Fine! You'll never see me again then!"

Lisa took her coat and left the apartment by slamming the door. Max was so angry that she followed her, opened her door, and yelled in the stairs:


She wanted to slam the door, but she didn't want to scare Jane, so she closed it slowly, leaned against it, and slid on the floor.

- "Don't fucking dare to judge me," told Max with tears in her eyes, feeling her throat tightening.

- "I'm not up to judge anyone," said softly Abigail.

The redhead was so tired that she couldn't hold her tears. She tried the best she could, but there were too much. Abigail slowly approached and sat next to her.

- "I understand why you did it. You feel alone, the person you love doesn't know you exist, you're hurt by this, you need some affection, so you let the first girl interested in you give you this affection."

- "You're analyzing me now!?"

- "I knew you had someone else. You had a rest of her lipstick on your lips one day."

Max pouted. If Abigail noticed, Jane certainly did, well, if she had looked at her she would have noticed it.

- "I'm gonna hug you," said Abigail.

The redhead had a worried frown to her but let her do. It was weird at first, it was still THE Abigail! But she felt like if she needed it. It wasn't this bad, and Abigail seemed true in her words. Max let it go, she just cried on her worst enemy's shoulder, not handling anymore.

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