Chapter 37 : Jealousy

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Jane spent the next days scrutinizing every line, every information, and every word she could. Things began to be clearer and clearer; Daniel was really suspect. She reunited all the information and showed them to Lucas and Bev, then Moussa. All three agreed with her, something was wrong. Moussa went with Jane when she showed it to their boss, and even him thought it was weird, so they opened an investigation. Jane wasn't allowed to participate as she was concerned, and neither Moussa, too close of the three victims, but the Lieutenant would keep them in touch every time they would have new evidence. She hoped the fact that he was a military wouldn't affect the investigator's judgement on this case, it was important for the girl.

But today, Abigail was moving. She didn't have lots of things in the two girls' apartment, but they bought furniture and had to install it. Beverly and Abigail were organizing the furniture while Moussa, Max, and Jane were bringing by the stairs the last one: the fridge. After long struggles in the stairs, the three friends finally reached the apartment.

- "Do you need help?" asked Abigail.

- "We just did four floors with this fridge in our arms, but those last meters are certainly the hardest ones!" answered Max with a red face and beads of sweats flowing on her temples and forehead.

- "The kitchen is on your left," chuckled the blonde girl.

Moussa, Max, and Jane finally installed the fridge, freeing their hands.

- "Look at my fingers!" told Jane. "I can't stretch them out!"

Max and Moussa looked at Jane's red hands before looking at theirs. They were in the same struggle. Beverly entered the kitchen and began to massage her boyfriend's hands.

- "What about us!?" replied Max.

- "Relax, I'll take care of you too," chuckled Bev.

- "I can massage you, if you want," proposed Abigail.

Max held out her hands to her, making smile Abigail. While Moussa and Max were having a massage, Jane was trying to relax her hands by her own. When she noticed her struggling, Bev let go Moussa's hands, which were feeling better, and massaged Jane's hands.

- "You don't seem bad at it!" stated Max.

- "She massaged me many times in Somalia," told Jane.

- "Really?"

- "Yeah, I mean, my hands and my knee, that's all."

- "..."

- "Nothing happened!"

- "I know!"

- "Why are you so jealous then!?"

- "I'm not! You're just very close to each other, more than before, it's just...weird, for now, but I know there is nothing between you and her!"

- "Okay! Stop looking at us like that!"

Max rolled her eyes and sighed with her nose, upset. Jane shook her head in disbelief, looking away. Bev preferred stopping the massage, not wanting to create tensions between them.

The group of friends finished to install everything, relaxing a bit the atmosphere. Once everything done, the two couples let Abigail alone, discovering a new life in her new apartment.

Jane and Max just had to cross the road to be at their apartment. When they entered, both were still mad.

- "What was that!? You really think I had time to cheat on you with Bev!?" replied Jane.

- "No! I never said that!" answered Max with the same tone.

- "You implied it enough!"

- "I didn't imply anything!"

- "Yes, you did! You're the one working with the girl you kissed when I was sick and I'm completely fine with it! Why can't you trust me!?"

- "I do trust you! It's not about you and her like that!"

- "Then what's the problem!?"

- "She doesn't wanna hang out with me anymore!"

- "...Oh..."

- "Yeah, oh! Every time I call her to know if she wanna see a movie or eat somewhere she asks me if you're coming, and when I say no, she says she doesn't have time or something like that! I'm glad you're close to her, but she is not close to me anymore, and I miss her..." confessed Max.

- "Uh, I'm sorry, I didn't know...Why didn't you tell me?" asked Jane with a calmer tone.

- "Because, you had enough with Daniel and your work, I didn't want to bother you with this..."

- "That's stupid! I'm here for that too! You always listen to me crying or yelling, you can do the same! And feeling like you're losing a friend is hard, and I can understand how it feels, I mean, I lost many friends when I was in school."

- "You think I'm losing her?"

- "I think she is still fragile. You know, when we were in Somalia, she tried to hide it, but every steps she was making was an ordeal and, we became closer because I tried to spend as much time as possible with her, playing cards or talking shit, I guess it reassured her, and now, she is trying to live again, and maybe she needs to..."cut the cord", I guess. I don't know if it's clear."

- "It is. What am I supposed to do?"

- "I don't know...Maybe you could begin to invite her here, like that, I'm here, but I stay behind to give you some space with her, and I could maybe talk to her if it doesn't work. What do you think?"

- "Sounds good."

- "Okay, cool. Next time talk to me, I can listen to you, now," smiled Jane.

- "I know, I'm sorry..."

Jane opened her arms to propose a hug to her girlfriend. Max had a small smile and accepted it. The two girls tightened their arms around each other, warming both hearts.

- "I hate you for being this cute," told Max.

- "I know," lightly chuckled Jane.

The redhead broke the hug to kiss her. The two girls spent the end of the day together, sat on the couch, unable to do something else because of this big fridge! They couldn't move anymore! They went to bed, snuggled, and fell asleep instantly.

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