Chapter 43 : Translation

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Jane spent her three weeks of suspension trying to translate the words Daniel murmured in her ears. She went to the library to find dictionaries about Somali, or some documents of the language, but she found nothing. She tried with Internet, but she wasn't good with it. By luck, she found in newspapers a somalin who ran away from war and was now offering some services. She called him and asked him if he could translate those words. What he told her gave her a cold shiver but a reason to keep going:

- "They chose road number one!? Are you sure!?...Okay, thank you, a lot!"

Jane brutally hung up. She was still suspended, but it was too urgent to not see her Lieutenant. She grabbed her coat and left the apartment. When she arrived at the police station, all her colleagues were looking at her with interrogative eyes, but she ignored them. Moussa tried to stop her, but she was already inside the Lieutenant's office.

- "Brown!? What does that mean!?"

- "They chose the first road! Waxay doorteen wadada koowaad means they chose the first road! That's what Daniel said in the tape!"

- "You never take a break!?"

- "Never. You can't ignore this! He can speak Somali and he told them in their own language which road we were taking! They were waiting for us!"

The Lieutenant didn't answer but looked at Jane's left. The girl turned her head and noticed the colonel in the corner.

- "I read the file you made," told the colonel.

- "Okay, and?" provoked Jane.

- "There are some good things, but Daniel is an important person in our section."

- "He is a fucking traitor, no matter his damn function!"

- "What about all his good and faithful service!?"

- "What about my good and faithful service!? Nobody gives a shit about it! There is brotherhood only when you want! He is an asshole who tried to kill all of us, but he is a good man except that! Fucking hypocrite!"

- "BROWN!" intervened the Lieutenant. "Watch your language to your superior!"

- "He is not my superior, he is like everyone else who thinks they are better than me because they're men, but, guess what? It's not true, you're just fake, thinking masculinity has to be superior than femininity, but that's not true, your balls don't give you all rights! I won't stop until I have justice, and if you have to sink with him, you'll sink with him, I don't give a fuck, am I clear!?"

- "Lieutenant, you should have a better watch on your officers," said firmly the colonel, looking deeply in Jane's eyes.

- "I am not the one who should have a better watch on my officers. If you help a traitor to get through this, then, there is nothing else to say."

- "I hope you're kidding me," scoffed the man. "Why don't you fire her like a normal superior!?"

- "(stands and takes support on his desks with both of his hands) She is under my responsibility and she is the best, I won't fire my best element, same as you who doesn't want to admit that your best element is a traitor. Have a nice day, and watch your ass."

- "You'll hear about me."

- "I hear about you every day!"

The colonel left the room, furious. The Lieutenant told Jane to sit to have a conversation with her. He told her that the investigation had minor chances to succeed, but that there were many different legal ways to find justice without saying more but implying a lot. Jane had an idea, but it could be risky. She nodded and left the office.

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