Chapter 49 : Job

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Moussa and Jane were back in patrol together. The black man noticed that Jane was preoccupied since this morning, but he didn't know if he should ask or not, not wanting to touch a sensitive subject. Instead, he tried to tell her some jokes or stupid stories, but the girl wasn't very receptive.

- "Okay, what's wrong?" asked Moussa.

- "What? Nothing," frowned Jane.

- "Every time you answer "nothing", there is something wrong. What is it?"

- "Nothing, really...I'm just...thinking."

- "And what are you thinking about?"

- "It's just, when I got shot two days ago, Max told me she was scared every time I was going to work, and, I don't know, maybe I should find another work..."

- "What!? You wanna abandon me!?"

- "No! Of course not! I just, I don't want her to be worried all day because my work can be dangerous! She had suffered enough because of me," explained the brunette.

- "Well, it's your choice!"

- "You won't try to convince me otherwise!?"

- "I'm not in your mind, I can't make this choice for you, but, be sure it's the right choice."

- "I didn't say I was going to resign today! I'm just...thinking."

Moussa didn't answer. He didn't want her to give up her job like that, not after everything they lived together. It wasn't just because he would miss her, but because they both struggled to be where they were now, especially Jane who had to go in Somalia to have this job. It wasn't a good idea, and he was sure Max would agree with him.

But Jane had another opinion about this. Max was stressing a lot with her own job, Jane didn't want her to stress more, it could kill her. And Jane already went in Somalia, knowing Max was against this idea, maybe it was time to listen to her, it was the least she could do after all.

- "Talk to her," said Moussa.

- "What?"

- "Max, talk to her. Don't resign without talking to her."

- "Uuuh, okay."

Someone calling on the radio cut them in their conversation. Someone heard gunshots coming from their neighbors' house. Sirens on, the car drove through the heavy traffic as fast as possible to reach their goal. Both jumped from the car, Jane going on the right and Moussa on the left. The black man saw a young girl -around five years old- running in the garden while crying.

- "Hey baby girl, I'm the Police, don't worry, I'm here to help."

Moussa knelt and opened his arms to take her while someone was shooting inside. The second after, a young boy -barely older than the girl- was running to him yelling:

- "My dad wants to kill my mom! My dad wants to kill my mom!"

- "It's okay, you're okay now," told Moussa, trying to stay calm. "Is there someone else in the house?"

- "My mom and my dad," answered the young boy.

- "Okay."

The black man took the young boy in his arms with his sister and ran away from the house to put them in his car. A beige car brutally stopped next to him and an old man jumped from it.

- "Where are you taking my grand-children!?"

- "Sir, is this your house?"

- "Yes!"

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