Chapter 46 : Dinner

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Max organized a dinner with her mother at their apartment. She wanted her to see Jane how she really was, not like the one she met months ago. She was stressing; even if Jane was feeling better, the brunette was still a bit mad at her mother for abandoning her when she needed her, and she was fearing some curt ripostes. Max was finalizing the meal while Jane was placing the plates on the table.

- "Look, I know you still think she abandoned me, but, she was under Neil's influence, it was complicated, she wasn't really herself, okay?"

- "Yeah, I know. She still abandoned you."

- "Just be polite, that's all I'm asking, and I want her to see how perfect you are," smiled Max.

- "That's true, I'm perfect," joked Jane with a serious tone.

- "Yeah, so, keep being perfect and be kind with her, okay?"

- "I'll try."

Max smiled and kissed her girlfriend. The second after, they heard knocks at the door. Max went to it to open it.

- "Hey mom!" smiled the redhead.

- "Hey Max!"

The mother entered and took her daughter in her arms. Max wasn't very fan of hugs, but, as it was her mother and as their relation was pacified, she was okay with that. But Jane wasn't ready to have a hug too! She looked at Max with wide opened eyes while the redhead was trying to not laugh too loud. The mother broke the hug and put her hands on Jane's cheeks before saying with a smile:

- "I'm happy to finally meet you."

Jane was so surprised by this reaction that she just nodded, not really knowing what to say.

- "Come on, I'll show you the apartment," intervened Max.

The mother let go Jane before beginning to walk in the corridor. Max was going to follow but stopped to murmured at Jane:

- "Can you set the table on the balcony for the aperitif?"

- "Um, yeah, of course," mumbled Jane.

- "You're okay?"

- "Yeah, yeah, it's just...don't worry, I won't say anything to her, she looks so happy to be here, I don't wanna break this."

- "You're amazing."

Jane kissed her girlfriend before going on the balcony to set the table. Max joined her mother and showed her the two bathrooms to finish with the bedrooms. She opened Jane's ex bedroom -and now, study- and was proud to show it this time, it was all tidied and cleaned. Then the two girls' bedroom, which she was proud of too, because they were finally sleeping together, it was their real bedroom. And, finally, Abigail's ex bedroom.

- "This is where you sleep tonight, is it fine?"

- "It's perfect, thank you," smiled the mother.

The woman entered and put her luggage on the bed and looked around with a happy and proud smile.

- "I'm glad you didn't make the same mistakes as me."

- "I made mistakes too," told Max, not really knowing what to say.

- "But you made it, you're succeeding in everything you do! You're an amazing cook in a good restaurant, you have a nice girlfriend who has stars in her eyes when she looks at you and who was ready to fight herself because you were strong enough to make her realize she was important, and you have such a beautiful and cozy apartment! A mother can't dream better for her daughter!"

- "Mom, you're gonna make me cry," chuckled the redhead, wiping her eyes.

- "I'm sorry, I'm just so proud of you, you really seem happy, finally."

- "I am."

The mother couldn't resist to another hug, which amused the redhead. They both broke the hug before joining Jane in the living-room. The brunette wrapped her arm around Max's shoulder and kissed her temple:

- "Are you okay?" murmured Jane who noticed her wet eyes.

- "Yeah, I'm fine," sniffed Max.

Max rubbed her girlfriend's belly before joining her mother in the kitchen.

- "It smells really good, I can't wait to taste what you cooked," said the mother. "And Jane seems to be a big fan of your food!"

Max and her mother had a small chuckle while Jane was frowning.

- "You were skinnier when she saw you last time," explained Max.

- "Oh, uh, yeeeaah, maybe," answered Jane, scratching the back of her head.

- "It's fine, you look better like that."

- "Oh, uh...thanks."

Max gave two taps on Jane's belly. She loved Jane's new shape, with food and sport, she found again her sexy body with good shapes where she liked. Jane served her girlfriend and her mother-in-law before taking a drink and accompanying them on the balcony where they could enjoy the view.

- "It must be quiet in here!" stated Susan.

- "Yeah, it is," answered Max.

- "How is the neighborhood? They never complained when you made noise? I mean, with your PTSD you certainly yelled a lot!"

- "Mom! It's not very gentle, don't ask things like that!"

- "It's fine," intervened Jane. "And, no, they never complained."

- "In fact, they did, to me, too scared of you. They always complained about our fights and all...but, when I told them why, they stopped, understanding..." explained the redhead.

- "Oh..."

- "Yeah, but now, they asked me if you're dead, because they haven't hear you for a while!"

Jane had an amused smile. She had a dirty joke, but she preferred keeping it for herself for now. Max understood what her girlfriend had in her mind and playfully shook her head.

As the weather was warm, Max thought it would be better to eat on the balcony, so Jane moved the plates with Susan while Max brought the food on the table.

- "I cooked simple," told the redhead.

- "It's gonna be good," said Jane.

- "I know!"

Jane playfully rolled her eyes before holding out the plates for spaghetti Bolognese. Jane devoured it while Susan kept complimenting Max for her successful life, warming the redhead's heart and making smile the brunette. Jane was so happy for Max to reconnect with her mother again; it hurt her so much when she left her house, thinking it was definitively over with her.

The dinner was finally over, enabling the two girls to lay down together in their bed while Max's mother was sleeping in the room next to them.

- "Thank you," smiled Max.

- "For?"

- "For being you, I spent an amazing night."

- "Yeah, it was fun."

- "She likes you."

- "I'm hard to hate," joked Jane.

- "True. Except our neighbors, you know, those neighbors who you would prefer them complaining about other kind of noises," smirked the redhead.

- "Weird sentence!"

- "I couldn't find something English, it's too late for this."

Jane chuckled before leaning to her for a kiss. Max placed her hands on Jane's cheeks to keep her a bit longer in this kiss and to have this warm feeling in her stomach longer too.

- "Goodnight," smiled Max.

- "Goodnight."

Max put her head on Jane's neck, wrapping her arms around her waist, slowly falling asleep with her lover.

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