Chapter 18

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"wow this place is so good!"
Caleb shouts followed by his friends
"Yeah!" Sadie exclaims
"Mills you were right!" and she turns  towards her
"I know I know, of course" she pretends to brag.
They sit around the table of the café
"Mmmmh this smell... Seems so good" Gaten says and he salivates almost
"here we'll eat really good, don't worry"
Millie says to his friend that is watching with heart eyes the glass showcase full of food.

This place is a small café whit not so many people, who works here knows Millie so this is a quiet place where they can have a quiet breakfast.

"what do you wanna order?" the waiter asks and adds
"Oh! Hi Mrs. Brown"
She laughs "call me Millie please"
"okay Millie" he laughs too
"by the way hi guys! I'm Daniel, nice to meet you"
"Hi Daniel, nice to meet you too" they exclaim
"so what do you want for this amazing morning?
he exclaims looking outside of the window: the sun shines in the blue sky, some clouds but there aren't enough to ruin this beautiful morning perfect to walk with your family, your friends...with someone special.
"I wanna try..."
the guys order something good to eat. They had so much fun with this breakfast together: Finn and Gaten of course did the stupid boys with food, Noah was laughing so hard that everyone was there could hear him, Sadie was reprimanding them because she didn't wanna annoy other people but at the same time with her voice... Well she had bad eyes laied on her, Caleb finished to eat and started to do silly things and Millie wanted to escape because of her friends like "um I don't know them..." but she laughed and enjoyed with the stupid things and it's useless to say that Noah and Sadie are involved to be stupid with their friends.

The end?

The waiter "kindly" asked to them to go out.

The guys start to walk around the city to spend the best time together.
After a long walk they go on seafront to see the beautiful sight together, they stay there, hugged with silence, they just stay there...who thinks when they will meet again, who thinks what has to do when comes back home, who thinks what should do when they are alone.
One phone rings
"I think we have to go" Caleb says with a sad smile
"already..." Gaten whispers
"it was a good night" Noah says
"it really was" Gaten follows him and they come back Millie's house and prepare their suitcases.
They have the same car to go to the airport, only Finn has to go to his Hotel.
"Bye guys! All of this has been amazing!
Gaten says already with tears in his eyes
"true" Noah continues
"come here guys!" Caleb shouts and everyone hugs him
"bye" they say under the door
"bye" Millie greets her friends with Finn on her left, he is greeting too... His brother will stay here soon.

They left them, they are alone... Only one problem: her parents, if they wanna have their relationship as a secret, they'll have to be careful.

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