Chapter 19

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"I already miss them"
Millie chuckles while she is walking towards the salon with Finn from behind.

Her parents are come back this morning and now they are unpacking their suitcases.

Millie sits on the sofa and Finn follows her
"So" Millie starts
"When will your brother stay here?"
"I don't know but he is coming" he replies to her with a smile
"Did you have fun this morning? But, if I can say it, it seems so"
she laughs
"yea yeah, I had fun"
he laughs too
"you know you're stupid, true?" she says
"Yeah I know but I can say that this likes you" he provokes her
"mh, are you sure?" she raises her eyebrows and pretends to be serious
"Never been more sure!" he exclaims and laughs
"okay, like you prefer" she tries to hide her smile but that doesn't work because
"you're smiling!" he shouts and indicates her mouth
"caught" she laughs
"Millie and you? Did you have fun?" he stretches his hand to reaches her one, Millie follows his movements and when sees his hand on her one she smiles and looks at him, giving to him a beautiful smile
"Yes, I did" she still smiles so grateful of this moment
"I would kiss you now..." she says without realising it but he says nothing because he knows there is something else she wanna say
"But you know... My parents are here..."
"Yeah... But do you rememeber?"
She looks at him with a weird gaze because she doesn't know what he is talking about
"okay I'll talk" he laughs
"we have this afternoon"
"oh right! Yes yes" she laughs
"yes..." he smiles to her making her like an ice pop under the sun

"Hi guys!" Millie's father shouts, Finn leaves her hand soon
"Hi dad!" Millie stands up
"Good morning Mr. Brown" Finn stands up and smiles to her father
"Hey Finn.... Call me Robert!" he laughs, he tries to laugh too but he is nervous and he doesn't even why...
"By the way, how are you?"
Robert asks to Finn while goes to the kitchen
"I-I'm good" he chuckles, he is trying the best to not make possibile to notice how really is right now
"And you R-Robert?" he gives at him a big smile and he isn't even looking at him
"I'm good, I'm good"
"Robert!" he shouts
"Robert... My brother is coming here to take me"
"Don't worry! You're always welcome here!" he shouts and looks again at him with a smile.

Meanwhile Millie is looking the scene with a smile... This is so hilarious and she can't stop smiling (to not laugh) at the scene.

"Millie, have your friends already left?"
"yes dad! But where is mom?"
"She is finishing the work, I'm going to go again there soon, I needed a break"
he replies to his daughter.
They suddenly hear an horn and Finn understands is his brother's car
"I think I have to go" he says shyly
"Oh he is already here, well I hope I'll see you soon, will I see you?"
her dad says to Finn and he knows what he is meaning, that wasn't a question and this makes Finn happy.

He is loved by her parents, until now was something normal but now it's different and this makes him happier
"I don't know...Robert" he gives to him a little smile
"I'll wait you, maybe one day we'll play a great game with some video games" he returns the smile then he places close, pats his shoulder and chuckles
"bye, but can you wait Kelly (Millie's mother)? She would like to greet you"
"Yeah of course! I'll call my brother!"
Her dad hears him and gets in the staircase while he already calls his brother
"He is like a child, a clingy child" Millie says followed by a laugh and she approaches to Finn
"Oh no no, he is amazing" and he laughs too looking at her.
They look each other, he takes her hand and caress it with his thumb, they smile like children...

If someone would see them, they'll die at this scene.

They hear their parents are talking about something and Finn takes advantage of it and with his other hand takes her hand and gives to her a chaste kiss, he wanna give her more but you know...
"Finn I'm coming"
Kelly shouts and it was better this way because they were involved in a kiss and as a matter of fact they distance their bodies and their hands and both look at the staircase waiting her mom
"Finn! Hi!" Kelly looks at him
"sorry if I made you to wait" she chuckles
"oh don't worry Mrs. Brown" he approaches to her
"Finn!" she looks at him with a serious face
"how much times I have to say that you have to call me Kelly!"
He laughs to her words
"Sorry... Kelly" and he chuckles
"Well done" she chuckles too
"So hi Finn! We're always here and you're always welcome, okay?" she hugs him
"okay, sure!" he smiles while he hugs her, after a while they distance
"Millie, accompany to him" Millie's mother says with a smile and after said this she goes to her husband
"Sure mom!" she shouts.

Millie walks towards to Finn
"let's go" Millie says with a soft voice and stretches her hand to him and he squeezes her hand and they go towards the door.
When they are under the door
"I'll text you later" he says
"okay" she says in a cute way
"We'll meet, okay?" he asks to be sure
"Yeah, we'll spend this afternoon together" she shows a big smile on her face
"okay..." he says losing in her and for this he didn't notice she is closer to his face and kiss him with all the love
"Bye" he says
"bye..." she whispers while she sees he is going outside and before to be out he looks again at her with a smile.

This will be a good afternoon.

* * *

So hi guys! Well like we saw these two guys will be busy for this afternoon! I know I'm late but I couldn't write but I'll write more soon! I hope you like it and the next one too 🙈💗

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