Chapter 33

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Months fly, 9 months are gone. There has been panels, photoshoot, meeting and Fillie, for the world, is still unreal but it seems okay for the couple... Finn was okay with it, Millie was only respecting his decision. Today another panel and all have breakfast together.
In these months maybe Millie sent some "secret messages" in her story like cute sentences for someone and stuff like this.

"Hey Mills" Sadie says
"Heyyy redhead!" Millie shouts
"So you still didn't say what's happening... What was those stories on Instagram and WhatsApp?"
"Oh no it's nothing" she says with a smile
"oh c'mon, I know you! And I know something happened"
"Nah! Sadie, it's nothing"
"why you don't say it! I'm Sadie, your best friend, do you remember?" she says ironically
"of course Sadie!" she laughs
"this makes me sad" she pretends to be mad
"Hey Sad, it's nothing... Really" she tries smiling at her best friend that wanna know of course.

Millie and Finn are dating since 14 months, so basically more than one year, she always thought that one day he'd have understood but still now he still doesn't wanna talk and she has to respect it, he is sorry for this but this is his personality but what about her? He isn't thinking her that she needs talk with someone but 14 months and is always the same.

They walk before the panel and after one hour it starts. Suddenly a weird question comes for Finn
"are you dating with someone?"
"Oh emh" Finn stutters
Caleb tries to hide with smile, someone of the cast starts looking at him with a weird gaze, why he is reacting like that?
"this is really personal guys" he touches his nape and tries to meet Millie's eyes and of course he meets her gaze; she has something in her eyes... Maybe, she has hopes?
He doesn't know what is the right thing to do
"I can't answer to it... M-maybe yes... Maybe not" he chuckles but he is so nervous.
After a while Millie gets a question
"and you Millie? Are you dating with someone?"
She smiles
"this is my life guys and I would like to have my privacy but... No, I'm not dating with someone, I am good with myself" and she finishes the sentence with a smile, she noticed that he hurt him.
The panel finishes and they go out
"Millie can we talk?" Finn takes her arm
"What Finn? Oh be careful, there are people"
"oh c'mon"
"what you want? I said what you want, right?" she stops and looks at him
"Yeah... Mh not, it's not so... Or... I-I don't know!" he brushes his face
"Finn I'm tired to be hidden"
"I know but"
"what? And now you're mad because what I said, this is incoherent!"
"I have to think about this, okay? I nned time because-"
"Finn! 14 damn months! I wanna live my life, I wanna go out with my boyfriend, I wanna take his hand, I wanna kiss him under the rain, I wanna talk with him without being afraid of what people could think!" she cries
"Millie I'm sorry..." he whispers
"Finn, I wanna respect you and your decision, I've respected it, I've waited but... 14 months?" she says
"Millie I'm-"
"Finn bye, I said it... I wanna be free, I'm a teenager and I wanna live like that" she stats distancing from him
"Millie wait!" he shouts but she doesn't stop, she walks, still walks, more steps, again and again and now he barely could see her, her little build
"I love you Mills" he says himself.

She is gone, he lost her.


I didn't want to love you but... || FillieWhere stories live. Discover now