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Mina's Pov

I woke up early feeling so energetic. As I open my eyes, a beautiful face welcome me. I was in his arms while he is sleeping..

I cupped his face and smile. I can't even imagine that we get to this part of being a married couple and a family.

I slowly got up, careful to not wake him up. I made my way to Chanseong's room to check him up..

When I enter, I already see him at his crib. He is already awake before I could enter.

He just keep staring at the ceiling while sucking his fingers.

I giggle at the sight before approaching him..

"Hi baby.." I said and carry him to my arms.

"How long have you been awake, hmm?" I started rocking him as he still sucking his fingers.

"Let's make our breakfast." When I said that, he laid his head on my shoulder facing me and still, his fingers on his mouth..

I went downstairs to make us a breakfast.

I got to the living room first. I arrange the puzzle carpet for Chanseong to lay on. I put a pillows around him so that he won't get anywhere. I will also get a sight of him time to time since the kitchen is not that far..

I place him on the carpet and made sure that he is comfortable..

"Don't go anywhere, okay?? Eomma will just cook some breakfast." I got up from kneeling. Chanseong keep playing with his hands.

I went to the kitchen and started to prepare the ingredients for waffle and some sandwiches.

I made a batter and cook them. Everytime I put a batter to the pan, I always take a look at my son. When i look at him, I saw him reaching for his foot while laying in there. He looks so cute.

When i'm done, I prepared the table and went to my baby.

"Let's go wake your appa." I said while carrying him to my arms.

I walk upstairs and went to our room.
I saw Jimin still sleeping on the bed..

"Your father is a deep sleeper." I said before approaching him to wake him up.

"Jimin?" I slightly shake him to wake him up. But he didn't move an inch. Chanseong is just laying on my shoulder facing me..


"Hmm.." he groan but still didn't open his eyes..

And suddenly, an idea came to my mind.

I look at Chanseong and slowly put him on top of his laying appa. Chanseong is laying on his stomach while looking at his appa.

Jimin's Pov

While when I was about to sleep again, I felt something heavy on my body.. At first I tried to ignore it since I thought it was Mina trying to wake me up. I'm so tired of work and wanted to sleep.

Suddenly I felt something touching my face... Or Someone..

I slightly open my eyes and saw my son on top of me. I smile when his small hands are touching my face..

I giggle before holding him to my arms..

"Good morning appa.. Breakfast is ready." I heard my wife said. I finally open my eyes and saw her sitting beside me on the bed.

"Good morning, love". I said and slowly got up holding Chanseong to my arms.

"And Good morning to you too!.." I raised Chanseong to the air making him let out a small laugh.

We both laugh at his cute laugh.


We ate breakfast while Chanseong is in my arms and Mina on the other side of Chanseong.

"Do you have work?" I nodded at her since my mouth is full..

"I will just iron your clothes after this." She said and feed Chanseong.

He ate a carrot puree that makes his face a little messy.

After we are done, Mina done the dishes and I went upstairs to get ready. Mina is following me at the back.

I left them in the room while I am fixing myself to work. I took a bath while Mina is ironing my clothes and Chanseong laying on the bed surrounded by the pillows to make sure he won't fall..

I'm almost done, Mina is fixing my hair and tie to make sure I look good.

"Love?" I got her attention since she stop fixing my tie and look at me.

Actually, I have something to give her. I don't know if she will get mad at me.

"I have something for you."

"What is it?"

"Wait here. Let me get it" I turn around and went to my closet and took the Handkerchief.

I went back to her and stood in front of her. She seems confuse since I saw her brows furrow.

I slowly showed her the Handkerchief.

I saw her surprise expression and she gasp.

"Wait.. it was you?" She ask still eyes widen. I smiled weakly and nodded.

"You were the person that I bump to the air--"


"And the person I spilled my cof--"


I look at her and now, I can't read her face. It's impossible.

"Are you mad?" I ask

It was silent at first. I was so scared that she will get mad at me because of my attitude that time. I thought she will scold me because of this but suddenly...

"You were so arrogant that time"

She suddenly walk to me and peck my lips for seconds. It took me seconds then I slowly cupped her cheeks..

How I miss this lips.. As usual. It taste like a candy that I could eat all day..

She pulled away and wrap her arms to my neck, hugging me.

"I'm sorry for being rude that time"
I said and hug her back.

"It's okay."

Well, my wife is so perfect. Too perfect for me. A girl every guy wants. She is a wife material. She knows how to cook, know the household chores. That's why, I'm so lucky to have her. Now that we are a family. There's nothing I want more.


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