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2 weeks

Mina's Pov

Two weeks have passed. I'm always home alone now. Well, except I have Chanseong with me. But Jimin always come home at night. He always takes a overtime in the office and when he comes home, he will still focused on work like facing his cellphone and Laptop. Sometimes, I would go straight to sleep while he is still working on his table.

And Everytime I woke up, he will always not in the bed. He goes to the office very early and come home very late.

I'm started to get worried about him. I think he is stress. I don't really know what is happening to him at his office. I really want him to get a free time for us. But Everytime I ask for it, he will just answer me with simple words.

Now, I'm on my way to his office. I left Chanseong at Tzuyu's house. While walking to the elevator, I bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I ask and help her stand up.

"I'm okay thank you." We made an eye contact. She wipe some invisible dust to her skirt.

"Wait.. I didn't saw you here before. Are you perhaps new here?"
She look at me and smile. And I notice that she was startled a bit to my question.

"No. I'm just visiting someone."

"Youre a relative to one of the employee?"

"Ah. Yes.." she sigh before bowing to me.

"Okay. Then, I'm Park Mina. I'm actually the wife of Park Jimin" I said and offered my hand for a hand shake. She widen her eyes before saying

"I'm Choi N-Narin." She shakingly said and shook our hands.

"Don't be nervous. I'm not like others."
She smile and look down.

"So, I'll be going now. I'll see you around Narin?" She nodded and bowed then I made my way to Jimin's office..


"Mina! What are you doing here?" He ask once I entered his office.

"Nothing. Just visiting you."

Third Person's Pov

Jimin release a sigh of relief and went back to sit and work.

"Where's Chanseong?" He ask still eyes on the laptop.

"I left him with Tzuyu."

Jimin felt his pocket vibrate. Someone texted him. He replied very quickly and back to the laptop.

Mina sat in front of his table and face him.

"Did you have lunch already?"

"I have." He said

"Ouh.. I thought you haven't. I was about to ask you to go lunch outside."

Jimin close his laptop and face her.

"You haven't lunch yet? Why didn't you tell me earlier!? I mustn't have lunch if I know you will come" Jimin said while standing up.

Mina just low her head. She's been scolded by Jimin just because she didn't have lunch.

"I'm sorry." She mumble. Jimin sigh before he walks around to face her.

"Let's go get you lunch" He said before pulling her outside the office.

'He didn't even apologize to me for raising his voice'


He brought her to a restaurant outside

They sat on the vacant table and Jimin made the order while Mina is still quiet. She still not use of being scolded like that. She just lower her head while waiting for the food to arrive. Jimin just kept glancing at her.

"Why are you so quiet?" She just shook her head and place her both hands to the table. Jimin was about to say something but his phone vibrate causing him to stop.

Just on time the food arrives. Jimin just ordered a tteokbokki just to company her. He ordered her a Kamjatang.

He took a chopsticks and took some for her and he started eating. Mina just kept staring at the food.

"Why aren't you eating?" He said munching a food.

"What is this?" She ask calmly, pointing at the food.

"It's Kamjatang. C'mon, eat up." He said the took a bite of his food.
She just look at him with no expression.

"Jimin." She whispered taking his attention. He look at her while food in his mouth. He hum in response while they look at each other.

She shook her head before saying.

"I don't eat Kamjatang. You know that right?"

He stops munching as he remembers. He closed his eyes because of regret.

"I know you knew it. Eversince, I don't eat this." He sigh and gulp the food.

"It's okay. I'll just eat somewhere else. Just finish your food." Mina said disappointed. She stood up and left the restaurant leaving him alone.

Jimin lean his back to his chair and held his hair back.

'Jimin you're so stupid' he said to himself.

Mina's Pov

I can't believe him. How can he forget about that? I'm so disappointed at him. Instead of heading to the other restaurant, I just called someone and ask him if I can have lunch with him.

"Hello oppa?"

'Minarii! What is it?'

"Umm. Did you have lunch already?"

'Actually, I haven't. I'm about to go out to get some lunch. Why?'

"Can I have lunch with you?" I ask and gritted my teeth. I wait for his answer.

'of course. Where are you? I'll pick you up.'

"I'm just outside the street not far from Jimin's building."

'Okay. I'm on my way. Wait for me there, okay?'

"Ne, oppa. Bye!"



"What!?" He widened his eyes. We are now at the table, eating lunch.

I told Minhyuk oppa about what happened earlier and about these past few weeks.

"I mean, seriously? How can he forget about that?"

"I also don't know oppa. He's so peculiar these days. He's overworking. I can just see him very often. Me and Chanseong are always alone at home. He can't even make a free time for us." I said then shove a spoon of food to my mouth.

"You're right. Everytime we have a meeting, I don't know if he is listening or still on his laptop. If not his laptop, his phone. Don't you think he has a problem?"

"I don't know oppa. But if he has, he would tell me, right? Not ignore me."

"Oh my God. Does he even remember that he has a family to take care with?"

I bit my lip, thinking. I look down and thought about our situation.

'Does he even know that he has a Family?'


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