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Voldemort watched his followers, death eaters, sit around the table waiting for him to speak. On his right sat a woman, maybe his only death eater, that would jump in front of any curse for him. But no, Voldemort didn't feel anything special for Bellatrix, besides some respect.
"My lord?" Lucius Malfoy spoke, coward, he is, even a fool could see that.
"Yes, Lucius?"
"Will we have the Christmas meeting this year on our manor?"
"Oh, yes Lucius, but do you really think that I'm so interested of some yours stupid party. But yes, you can keep it."
This happened every year, death eaters wanted to have little fun and test who was the most powerful of them, Bellatrix has won every year. But this year there were many new death eaters to begin with.
"I want to meet my inner circle again next week, make sure you're not late, like you did today Yaxley. For that; Crucio!"
When the Dark Lord had listened the screaming of his pitifull follower enough, he dismissed all of them. They all disappeared, until there was only Bellatrix left. Voldemort watched the beautiful woman in front of him, and felt something. It was feeling the man had never had before. It made his heart come out from his chest, all the air leave his lungs and his blood run cold.

That was the night when one thing lead to another, as their pleasures were completely pleased.

2 weeks later, Malfoy manor:

Bellatrix woke up in her sisters house, and started feeling nauseous, again. She had vomited every single day over a week now. Narcissa said that it was only stomach flu but that usually lasts only a couple days. Now she's already feeling so bad that she goes to the toilet and vomites. Bellatrix sits on the floor and leans on cold wall. There are steps coming towards the toilet, and before Bellatrix even sees her, she knows that it's her sister Narcissa.
"It happened again?" She asked and I just glared at her obviously.
"Bella, I need you to stay calm when I just have to ask you this, okay?" She asked in her cold voice. Bellatrix's voice was even colder; "Just say it already, Cissy"
"Have you slept with a guy lately?"
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"I need you to test if you're pregnant."
Now Bellatrix turned paler than she usually was and which is almost white.
"No, no, that can't be possible, no, no , no" she was freaking out. There's no way she is carrying a child, child of the dark lord.
"Bella, just test it! I'm sure you have nothing to worry about."
She waited and waited when Narcissa did some stupid, useless potion.
"Okay, I'm ready now. If smoke is pink you're pregnant, if it's black you're not."
Bellatrix took the bottle and drank it. But then happened the thing that no one was expecting as the smoke turned pink. Now Narcissa was almost as pale as her sister when she stared pink smoke of the potion. They just sat there, not knowing what to say, specially Bellatrix, who was in completely shock. Narcissa was first to spoke ;
"Bella, it's alright. I'm sure Rodolphus will be happy. Hasn't he wanted a child when he was young?" Bellatrix lifted her head towards Narcissa, facing her, tears in her eyes.
"But Ropolphus is not the father!"
"What? Is it some other death eater?" Bellatrix only shaked her head, as no.
"Don't you say it's a muggle?" Narcissa thought she'd never had to ask this, as Bellatrix hates muggles so much.
"Of course it's not a filthy muggle! What are you thinking!" Bellatrix was now full of anger. Why she would sleep with some idiotic muggle! But Narcissa, she couldn't think anyone as the father. Who could it be? It was not Rodolphus, not a death eater, not a muggle, and it surely wasn't a blood traitor. There's only one option and Narcissa hoped so much, that it wasn't true.
"Bellatrix, don't you say it's his." Narcissa said in small voice, scared what the answer would be. As a respond Bellatrix started to cry, which was so unusual, that Narcissa had seen her cry last time 15 years ago. It was not just small tears, it was completely collapse, she shaked, cried out loud and almost screamed.
This time Lucius came to check what happened. He opened the door and saw his wife and her sister in a really unusual situation. Bellatrix was hated anyone see her like this, specially a fellow death eater. "Crucio! Just go away!" She screamed so loud that anyone completely sane couldn't  scream like that. Not knowing what to do Bellatrix felt her dark mark burn, as did Lucius as the Dark lord wanted to see them.

This is a chapter I already had in my previous version of this story. I haven't chanced it so It's not the best. Hope someone likes this:)

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