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"I want her back!"
"It's too dangerous!"
"We'll protect her!"
"It doesn't work that way!"
"I don't care!"
Bellatrix's and Voldemort's argument was interrupted when they heard the front door open. They were alone in one of the bedrooms in the Malfoy manor, close to the front door, since they were both currently living in the house. The children were back from Hogwarts for the summer. Soon they heard young Draco's voice;
"I brought some friends, since their families are here often these days, if you don't mind, mother?"
It was true, almost all the important families Death eater now spent their days, and some nights too, in the manor, since their own were guarded by the order of the phoenix. Next thing they heard, was Narcissa's voice;
"It doesn't bother me, but your aunt lives here too, so-"
Everyone knew that the Dark Lord spent his nights in the manor, but he was usually out for days, so it didn't bother them. Before they could hear the children say anything, a grin spread on both of their face's, knowing what Bellatrix was just about to do. So Voldemort urged her to do it;
"Go terrorize the children, Bella"
"Will you come with me?"
Then they heard a clearly terrified voice of a boy;
"Isn't your aunt-"
He was cut off by Bellatrix herself, appearing to the hallway from the shadows;
"-Bellatrix Black."
Bellatrix laughed her infamous laugh, which sent shivers down everyone's spine. The children were petrified, wanting to leave, scream or anything to get away of this situation. Then there was a cold waft behind Bellatrix, and she knew that the Dark Lord was right behind her. The children dropped to their knees or bowed as soon as they recovered from the shock. These children were all to come Death Eaters one day, and Voldemort was so close to Bellatrix, that it made then want to be as respected as her. Bellatrix on the other hand, was critizing the children:
"Stand", the teenagers stood up in fear, "These are Crabbe's and Goyle's child, aren't they Draco?"
If she would've spoken something kind, her voice could've been mistaken soft, but everyone knew, that it wasn't. It was terrifying, petrifying and powerful. And she loved it.
"Yes, Bellatrix",
It was Bellatrix's brother in-law, who replied to her instead. She looked at the other two children, to recognize them, but before she did, another one of them, a boy spoke;
"Madame Black", he spoke with his tone full of respect, and Bellatrix noticed how this boy was clever enough to use her given name, not the name of her filthy husband, "I am Blaise Zabini, it's an honour to meet you",
An evil smile reached Bellatrix's lips, this boy knew exactly how to get in the Dark Lord's good side. Through her. He knew how to speak, when the other children were afraid. Bellatrix ignored the boy, though it lifted him in her eyes, but not giving a schoolin any chance of a compliment from her. And Voldemort thought the exact same. Then, she moved her gaze to the only girl, in the middle of the boys with a pug face:
"This is your whore? Must say I'm disappointed, Draco"
Bellatrix smirked, but then heard the Dark Lord turn behind her, and whispering to her at the same time, so the others couldn't hear;
"We have other things to do, Bella"
Bellatrix followed him, hearing everyone else sigh deeply when the two left. As soon as they were back in the room they had left a few minutes ago, Bellatrix heard Voldemort slam the door closed, locked, with his wand, and put a silencing spell on the room. Then, a smile reached her lips, and her eyes, when she felt herself being pushed against a wall by the Dark Lord himself.

      Bellatrix felt Voldemort's hand in her back, while her grip of the bedsheet tightened. One of Bellatrix's feet was bended, and another one was around the Dark Lord, while he tightly holded her waist with his another hand, slowly kissing her collarbone. Homewer, they were interrupted when someone knocked on the door. Bellatrix sighed, and Voldemort removed the silencing spell. Bellatrix waited for a second to get her voice back to normal and cleared her throat, and then asked with a strong, demanding voice;
It turned out to be Lucius;
"Dinner will be ready in half an hour"
Bellatrix looked at the Dark Lord, who silently told her to tell him that they'll come in an hour.
"We will be there in an hour"
Lucius didn't notice we, so he argued.
"I told you it'll be in thirty minutes, Bellatrix."
Now, it was Voldemort's turn to speak, and he spoke with a terrifying tone, Lucius had argued his most loyal;
"We will be there in an hour, Lucius. Do not start without us"
They heard a small gasp behind the door, and Bellatrix's annoyed look turned into a smirk. Lucius spoke quickly
"Right- I'm sorry, my Lord."
And with that they heard his steps going away, he was obviously thinking they were planning a mission, or something important.
"Where were we?"

    After almost an hour, Bellatrix and Voldemort broke off to lay on the bed for a minute and the woman sighed, again.
"Do we have to go?"
"Yes, Bella. They are waiting for us", he searched for her leg under the blanket, and took a confident hold of it, "And we have the whole night after it"
They got dressed, and walked out of the room. They were actually a few minutes early, and they heard the group of the teenagers speaking in front of the door, which led to the dining hall.
"We have a seating plan here. We all will sit at the end of the table."
They heard the young Malfoy's voice explain to his friends.
"We are the most substandard?"
They heard the only girl's, Pansy Parkinson's voice. Then another boy's voice;
"I will not have some women sit in a better place than me!"
Draco told him to shut up, but he continued;
"Women are weak!"
In a small part of a second, Bellatrix's eyes already flashed up in anger;

Thank you for reading!


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