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(A/N I decided that Pansy Parkinson, even though she's not really important in this story, is really Eva Flint's, if you remember her, and Antonin Dolohov's daughter. She's a Parkinson, because her mother died and her father got into Azkaban, so she had to live with a pureblood family, the Parkinsons, and now she's reunited with her father. I only did this, because Antonin and Bellatrix are somewhat best friends, if you can call this kind of people that, so Bellatrix would be somekind of a godmother to Pansy. They're not close and Bellatrix (almost) hates the girl, but I felt like Antonin needed a child too, even if he's not a loving father. So, like I said, Pansy is not important in the storyline, I just have one a little more important scene coming with her, but there will be at least five chapters before it. Okay, now I'll let you back to the story! Thank you for reading!)

When Bellatrix and Voldemort walked in the dining room, everyone immediatly lowered their heads in the respect and fear of the Dark Lord. Bellatrix was fustrated, and soon after them, the door swung open again, revealing the teenagers, Draco and Blaise trying to support almost unconcious Goyle. As Bellatrix walked to her place on the next of the Dark Lord, on his right side, she snapped her head towards the older Goyle, Gregory's father.
This man shivered in fear when his name was unexpectedly called. Bellatrix spoke in a terrifying voice, as always;
"Go fetch your filthy son some potion for the after effects of the Cruciatus curse. We don't want to waste pure blood, don't we?"

"Where are you going?"
Bellatrix would've quailed, if she was anyone else, by the sudden sound of the Dark Lord's voice.
"Lucius and Severus want to show the children some dueling"
"I need them for a mission, so don't make them die."
Bellatrix let out a small laugh.
"We'll see"
Bellatrix walked out of the room to the dueling chambers. She pushed the door open, and realised that she was the last one to arrive. Lucius and Severus seemed to argue, so she walked up to them.
"This conversation doesn't include you Bellatrix!", Snape hissed to her, but she only smirked
"Do I need to show the teenagers or you how to duel?
She spoke with her high-pitched voice.
"Let's start then!"

They dueled, and taught the teenagers, and later even the Dark Lord had come to watch. The children had been terrified that Bellatrix could easily beat even their father's and professor. Bellatrix won each and every man, and now they had teamed up against her.

It was Bellatrix alone, against the Dark Lord's eleven best duelists after her.

And still, she was winning.

Victoria's summer had been terrible. When it had gone only two weeks, she had already taken dozens of pain relieving potions. She knew it wasn't good to take that much, but what could she do? She had eaten three, only three, apples and water in the whole two weeks she had been there, which had gotten her already small and skinny body to a shadow. Victoria couldn't write to anyone, it would be too suspicious. Her guardian's, Joseph Edingell's, company had had a downhill, and he decided to take it all on her. But still, she was a prisoner in her own home. She was so desperate to meet her real family, that she did everything she was asked to. She couldn't practise spells, because the ministry would notice it. So, there was nothing she could do. That night wasn't different. Victoria heard the lock on her door open, and knew that it would be the muggle again. But as soon as she saw him, and heard his voice,
she knew that this time would be different. Worse. Because Joseph was terribly drunk. He took a hold of Victoria's shirt and roughly threw her to the floor. First, he slapped her. Then again. And then he hit her. With his fist, on her face. He kicked her on her stomach and on her head. Then it got more, and more violent. He got a knife from his pocket, and made a deep cut through her flesh on her left arm. Next thing Victoria knew, was, that he had his hand on her collarbone. And he pulled. There was a crack. Half of her left collarbone was completely stucking out of her skin. But Victoria refused to scream. She never screamed, and never would scream. Joseph would never get to have that pleasure. He let go of the in two gone collarbone, and stood up, only to step on her. He stepped on her abdomen. With all of his weight. Twice. Then, he took a hold of her hair, and banged her head to the hard floor. With all of the force he had. And it ended. Finally. He slammed the door to her room closed, and she now, she was alone. It was hard to breath. Her vision had black spots. Her head was spinning. She coughed, and felt something warm run out of her mouth. She took her slightly injured hand, to see if it was what she thought. And it was. Blood was coming out of her mouth. This was serious. This was about life or death. With her last powers, she pushed herself up from the ground, enough to reach out on her table. She got a piece of parchment, and wrote. On her shaking hand and, with her own blood. The terrifying, red word: 'Help'. Victoria reached to her owl's cage, and freed it, gave it the piece of parchment. And with a weak voice, she told the black owl the only place, where she knew someone would help her;
"Take this to the M-Malfoy manor. A-as fast as y-you ca-can."
And after that, her vision got black, and she lost her consciousness.

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