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A/N Thank you @feryplay for coming up with the torturing scene!

Antonin somehow got the next words out of his mouth;
"This is Bellatrix Lestrange."

Eva Flint got terrified, dropped to her knees, and started begging.
"Mrs. Lestrange, I am sorry, I had no idea- I would never-" she cried, until Bellatrix raised her hand to silence her.
Bellatrix smirked turning to the man. He couldn't say no to her, no one could, when she told him to leave them.
"Please- I'll do anything- Please - Please, have mercy-"
"Antonin, I think that your bride wants to have a little chat with me in the hallway." Bellatrix waved her wand and it formed an invisible chain between her wand and Eva's neck.

She dragged her to the hallway, and screamed to everyone to leave, and so they did.
"Please - I-" Bellatrix had missed this, and maybe, this was her pregnancy craving.
"SHUT IT! Crucio" She knew that her cruciatus was almost as hurtfull, as the Dark Lord's. The woman, Eva, immediatly started screaming in pure agony. Bellatrix used many spells, which Eva didn't even know about existing, including Reduchtiu, Ingaloes, and Valenit. Bellatrix almost killed her, but didn't want to waste pure blood, so she left her unconsious in the hallway, herself being happy to get to torture someone with a reason. She walked up to Voldemort, bowed and started speaking, staring the new Death Eaters away.
"My Lord, there's this woman, Eva Flint, she wants to join your ranks, but I can confirm that she would be a shame to us."
Oh, how she loved being evil.

"What's with the expression, did you torture someone?" Voldemort asked Bellatrix when they came back to the manor, Bellatrix being clearly happy.
"Only a little" she laughed.
"A little, no one didn't die?"
"By a hairbreath."
"There are members of the filthy blood-traitorous side, and a few failed death eaters you can tease in the dungeons."
"Thank you, My Lord", and with that, Bellatrix almost danced her way to the cellar, dungeons.

In the late evening they sat in one of the manor's librarys, Voldemort sitting on a couch and Bellatrix on an armchair with her knees in her lap, writing a letter. The Dark Lord started to speak
"I told a few trusted Death eaters about the child. Not everything, only that I'm going to receive an heir", Bellatrix lifted her eyes from the letter, completely suprised.
"Including who, my Lord?"
"Lucius Malfoy, or I ordered your sister to tell him, he knows that it's yours too as you usually will live with him. Macnair, Crouch, Snape. Bellatrix, he's completely trustworthy", Voldemort warned before she even had time to say anything, his tone leaving no room for argument.
"Understood, my Lord. What do they exactly know?" She questioned.
"Nothing else than the fact that the heir of Slytherin will be born in early June", he explained.
"Won't they be suspicious about the mother?" She asked worriedly
"Let them be."

Meanwhile in the meeting of the OOTP (Order Of The Phoenix):

"This can't be happening", Albus Dumbledore sighed. They all had mixed expressions on their faces, but only negative feelings. Minerva McGonnagall asked;
"Are you absolutely sure?" Sirius Black's eyes turned to her, and he explained.
"Of course I am not sure! This is only a rumour, Andromeda told me about it, and the Daily Prophet!"
"Rita Skeeter writes lies all the time, Sirius." Lily Potter suspected.
"Exactly! Another one of the news has to be a lie, so why it wouldn't be the one where the previous news is claimed wrong" Sirius said, and then Albus spoke again;
"Indeed. We need to do everything with our powers to get Bellatrix Lestrange dead, and not let this child be born"
Everyone agreed, anxious about this information, and about murdering a child. James Potter spoke next, curios;
"What are we going to do?" Dumbledore thought for a moment and then aswered;
"We have only one chance and it has to work. After that, Voldemort will find our plans and do everything he can to protect her, because he knows, and we know, that this child could be the death of us, his strongest weapon. So, we are going to enchant a ..."

I'm sorry for the short chapter again, but It's easier for me to make these short, so I if I make short chapters, I update more often. And I'm also (again) out of scenes, what would you like to read? I have something in my mind, but I don't want it to happen yet. So please, leave suggestions in the comments for the next chapter! Thank you for reading, I appreciate!<3


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