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Death eaters knew who was supposed to leave and who he allowed to stay in the room. The Malfoy's of course, since it was their house and Bellatrix. Before anyone could do anything, the house elf had already disappeared, but the two sisters were quick enough to recognize it.
     Bellatrix emotionlessly, fast and easily pulled two sharp pieces of class from her sister's arm, and Lucius did the same to the three pieces in his leg, and both whispered a little when they felt the pieces of class slide out of their skin. When it was Narcissa's turn to take a piece of class out of her sister's rib, it wasn't so easy.
"Narcissa! Take it out or I'll pull it off myself!" She yelled at her strugling sister. Not that she could really get it out by herself, it was in a place where her arm couldn't turn. Bellatrix sighed and Narcissa finally pulled it off, and Bellatrix didn't say anything, because it didn't even hurt her.
"See? Worthless piece of class won't hurt me." Narcissa didn't reply, and there laid a silence. The Dark Lord started speaking;
"Whose filthy creature was that?" He said venomously, and Narcissa's and Bellatrix's heads turned to him, and they said in unison;
And Lucius shot his head up and immediatly asked;
The Dark Lord waited for an explanation too. Narcissa looked at her sister meaningly, to confirm her suspections, and when Bellatrix nodded, she started;
"It's the Black house elf. Given to all Cygnus's and Druella's children." An understanding look spreaded on both mens face, and Lucius wanted to confirm if what he thought was true;
"Your traitorous sister?" Bellatrix nodded, loathing and hating look on her face. The Dark Lord walked to the door, nodded to men to come closer and ordered them to do something, while the conversation continued;
"Why don't you summon the filthy elf to come here and question it?" Lucius questioned, Voldemort walked back to them and Bellatrix turned to face the window, looking outside, while Narcissa explained;
"Well, it seems that Andromeda", Bellatrix sneered at the name, "has ordered it to stay where it is. My orders come after her, so I can't order her to co-" Bellatrix interrupted her while turned to face the others;
"I can."
"We will deal with the filthy creature tomorrow." Voldemort's voice left no room for argument, and he headed out of the room, Bellatrix quickly following. They got strange looks from the people in the wall, so they made it seem like he took her with him to punish her. It wasn't believeable, but they had to do it.

     Once they had settled in his manor again in the late evening, the Dark Lord started speaking;
"The chandelier could've hit you." Bellatrix looked up to him,
"I'm fine! One piece of class getting into my rib, that's nothing". He would've so much wanted to yell at her, tell her that she wasn't allowed to speak him like that, but he couldn't bring himself to it. He just couldn't. But before he could speak, Bellatrix realised what had just happened;
"I am deeply sorry, Master, forgive me-"
"No need, Bella", he looked at the woman in from of him and continued;
"This was an attempt to kill you." Bellatrix laughed at this;
"Filthy house elf killing Bellatrix Black?" Voldemort did notice how she said Black, not Lestrange, but didn't mention anything about it, but listened to Bellatrix come serious again and continuing;
"They do everything they can to kill this child, don't they?" He stepped closer to her;
"We'll make it her a horcrux as soon as she's born."  Bellatrix nodded at him, glad that the baby wouldn't probably realise anything about what was happening. She had been there when Voldemort had made his first horcrux, and it had been terrible.

     It was around 8am and Bellatrix and Voldemort were already at the Malfoy manor, ready to summon the house elf. Narcissa and Lucius were there too, Lucius was sitting in an armchair reading a book, only being there with them because they were in one of their librarys.
"What was it's name again?" Bellatrix looked at Narcissa and Voldemort found this amusing. Narcissa answered to her sister;
"Bonfy, but I'm not sure if he's going to against his orders. They've probably ordered her not to come" Bellatrix sighed, and started to explain, again;
"It has to. I'm older than that traitor, remember? My word comes before her" Bellatrix didn't even let her traitorous sister have her name mentioned from her mouth. When no one had nothing to say anymore, Bellatrix started whispering;
"Bonfy! Here, now!"
There went a while, before they heard the sound of apparition, and everyone turned to look at there. An ugly house elf bowed at them;
"Bonfy was called here, mistress Bellatrix?" The house elf shivered in fear. Bellatrix had tried Cruciatus on him the first time she had ever done it, which told a lot about her behaviour towards him, or any other elves. Narcissa and Andromeda on the other hand, had treated the elf somewhat better. Not good, but they hadn't cursed him the every time they saw her. Narcissa stepped in front of Bellatrix and started to question the elf;
"What was the purpose of your actions yesterday and who gave you these orders?" Bonfy struggled;
"I can't tell you-" The elf stopped when Bellatrix stepped in front of her sister, and he immediatly turned his head away in horror, knowing what was about to happen. In a second Bonfy was already threwed to a wall, while Bellatrix yelled;
"Don't defy you masters!"
"Bonfy is sorry mistress Bellatrix, it was mistress Andromeda's order-"
"That filthy traitor is no mistress to you!" The elf looked down;
"I'm sorry mistress Bellatrix, but it's the good house elves's law, so mistress Narcissa's orders only come after her orders-" Bellatrix smiled her infamous terrifyingly evil smile;
By the time when Bellatrix had had her fun, Lucius had already disappeared, too afraid to get under one of the mad woman's unforgivables.
"Now, according to your idiotic law, my orders come before the filthy's orders, so tell me, what was the purpose of your earlier actions?" The house elf trembled when speaking;
"T- to kill y- you, mistress Bellatrix." All the three people in the room sighed. Bellatrix felt cold robes slide next to her, and saw the Dark Lord go in front of her, and if possible, the elf looked even more terrified, knowing who this man was. Then he spoke so coldly, that even Bellatrix was on the edge of shivering;
"Go tell your commander a word from me. 'My patience isn't limitless. Unlike my power.'"

A/N Thank you for reading again! A little longer chapter (1200 words) this time!
Spoiler! :

We may or may not have a baby in the next chapter! Who knows:)


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