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But no, there was no miracle. Instead, there laid Bellatrix Black's lifeless body.

Bellatrix woke up with a gasp. It took a moment from her to regocnize where she was, and what had happened. She was in her room, at the Malfoy manor. It hurted. It hurted everywhere. She closed her eyes again.
"How do you feel?"
It was the Dark Lord. Now Bellatrix felt safe. Her mouth was so dry, that she could only whisper;
"No wonder."
"How- What?"
"I made you a horcrux"
Now Bellatrix's expression got fully surprised and she opened her eyes;
Voldemort didn't speak coldly. Not warmly exactly, but with a different tone than to the others;
"I trust that you know what a horcrux even is?"
Bellatrix weakly nodded.
"I made you one. I'll tell you later what it is and where it is"
Bellatrix mumbled something with mutual understanding, until asking, though she felt extremetly tired;
"Is - is she-?"
Bellatrix didn't get the right words out of her mouth, but the Dark Lord seemed to realise;
"Victoria is fine, Severus and your sister are taking care of her."
Victoria. Victoria was her name. They had decided it a while ago. Victoria, after victory. Bellatrix couldn't help but smile. Allthough Bellatrix didn't see it behind her closed eyelids, Voldemort smiled too.
"Now sleep, you need it, I'll take care of everything".
Bellatrix would've said 'thank you', but as soon as he said that, she was asleep.

Bellatrix woke up again to see her sister sitting next to her in her bed, holding a baby. She saw Narcissa's face light up, when she saw that her sister was awake.
Bellatrix tried to get herself up from bed to sit, but didn't succeed.
"How long I was out?"
Bellatrix motioned her sister to give her the baby, and Narcissa carefully did. Bellatrix immediatly felt the warmth of the little human, and it was hard to her to hide her smile.
"Only for a day"
Bellatrix didn't move her gaze from the child's tiny face while Narcissa spoke again;
"Do you have a name for her?"
"Victoria Black. Black, because then she won't immediatly be connected to me by the filthy Dumbledore's followers"
"I think it's a great name. Victoria Black, born May 15th 1979"

A/N I'm sorry for the last chapter!! And for this chapter too, because this is short and badly writed, but I just had to get this uploaded quickly, to clear things out, because I received so much hate to the last chapter. But I got kind comments too, so thank you!


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