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Later that evening, when everyone had already eaten and speaken with others, the battles began. First they put the losers of last year in the fights, and that was really boring to watch. Battles moved forward becoming more interesting to watch all the time. Bellatrix was close to the wall enjoying a drink from the party, when she felt a small wind coming behind her. She took a deep breath, air with the smell of her lord going in her lungs.
"Did you tell him?" Spoke a voice colder than ice, Dark Lords voice.
"No. Not yet. And I don't know how I am going to do it without being attacked by my and his parents. I can not win them all in a fight alone"
"Tell him when someone of my most loyal death eaters is around. They will fight with you."
"I will do it tomorrow."
He left to speak with the older death eaters, and soon Druella and Cygnus Black joined the crowd wathcing the battle. Rodolphus was now fighting his own mother, losing to her. His mother went far in the fights, until there was only her own husband, Bellatrix, Blacks, and a few older death eaters. The older followers hadn't taken place in the fights the previous years, but this year they wanted to show the younger ones, that they were truly more powerful. But one thing they didn't know that since last time they saw Bellatrix fight, she hadn't yet been under Voldemort's training, like now for the past five years. Rodolphus's mother lost to her husband and he lost to Bellatrix's mother and she lost to Cygnus. It was now Bellatrix's turn. Everyone thought that the older people were more powerful, and that she would get hurt. They threw curses to eachother, coming more violent with each spell. She hit his arm with wounding curse , and after that he simply hit her with silencio. Everyone thought that had already won, but they didn't know she could do wordless magic. He made everyone else cheer to him for winning. Then she hit him. With cruciatus. He was in really much pain and her anger only grew and grew when she hit him with the darkest spell she knew. Most of them were ones he didn't even know, as he shaked and screamed in terrible pain. She was full of rage, remembering all the times her father had silenced and tortured her when she was young. Her rage and anger broke the silencing spell, she had never felt this good fighting, knowing that this time she had her revenge, leaving the whole crowd amazed, respectfull and proud. Bellatrix walked up to her father, looked down to his face, which was in extremetly much pain, and said in more evil and poisonous shade than ever before ; "You are nothing. Nothing more than just a shade of a man. A coward, full of dirt." She walked out of the arena and let her crying mother go to heal what she could from what was left of her husband.

She took a few firewhiskeys, and went to greet the other death eaters. She talked for about an hour to Alecto Carrow, which she was really good friend with, being ones of the few female dedth eaters. After she left them, Bellatrix went to group of mostly new Death eaters, along with few of their friends she had met many times.
"Ohh, here is our winner, Lady Bellatrix Lestrange " She greeted them and got looks with respect. Antonin Dolohov told her their names ;
"This is Igor Karkaroff, Severus Snape and Corban Yaxley." She knew Snape was extremetly good in Potions, Karkaroff had a mind like a snake and Yaxley wasn't really usefull. Bellatrix was really good friends with Antonin so she spoke to them, after she went to speak with her husband.
"Bellatrix! You were so good, I am s- "
" You have a room ready in the back of the last hallway. You sleep alone. "
Bellatrix left the hall and went up the stairs.
"My lord", she said as did a little nod to show respect. "I have not seen anyone fight like that."
"I've learned from the best" she said with a little smile.
"Your father is at our healers house. He is going to survive, but he's gonna be really weak. Your mother is a mess. She wants to hurt you and punish you, but she knows you win her too easily. I suppose that was the idea of showing your power"
"Yes." They walked towards her room, and Bellatrix, even though she was almost sit feet tall, had hard time keeping up with his long steps. She was exhausted after all, and just wanted to go to bed.

It wasn't really late, others were still celebrating. She couldn't sleep, so Bellatrix took a book of Dark arts and started to read. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. It turned to be her close friend, Alecto.
"Hey Bella, you were truly powerful today." With that she offered her a drink, and had her own too.
"Thank you" Bellatrix responded for the drink and the compliment. She drank it, just when Alecto said;
"I just want to be our Lords best servant. I can not do it when you're around. I knew I couldn't win you with my powers, so I had to ruin our friendship. But no one will never know. You will be dead in 10 minutes." Alecto put her cloak on and left so no one could see her. Bellatrix immediatly started feeling dizzy and out of her breath. She staggered to the stairs and somehow got down them, her heart throbbing so fast. When she reached the last few stairs, Bellatrix saw Rodolphus walking in front of the last step, she passed out, and fell straight to his arms.

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