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It was the evening of the Crabbes winter ball. Bellatrix was ready to go, she word a gorgeous black dress with long, rose-textured sleeves, and just under her chest, it beautyfully landed straight down. Her wavy, long dark hair was freely hanging on her back. She looked all the way absolutely breathtaking, and all the young men would, again, drool because of her. Bellatrix's lungs had also been breathtaking all week. Like really. They had been hurting and made her out of breath all the time. It was still from the poisoning and she had to drink some odd potions everyone made her.
"Bellatrix, lets go!" She walked downstairs and put her cloak and hood on, and followed the couple outside of the manor, where they could apparate.

    Many people danced, and drank all night. Bellatrix talked with men, all the women were too shy for her taste. Old death eater men all flathered her to get to the Dark Lord's favor, and the new ones learned pretty quickly how to talk around her. Bellatrix had noticed her master come in the ball, and him talking to new followers. First she was happy talking with the men, but then started feeling a bit dizzy, so she walked towards her sister, who was talking with all the women, and as soon as she reached them, everyone, except her sister, wore a fearing look. Bellatrix only sneered, but inside enjoying about the reaction. She motioned her sister to come with her, and they went sit on the table.
"Can we leave already? I don't feel that good" Bellatrix said, while a new wave of dizziness took over her. Narcissa's happy look turned fast to worry.
"Yes, are you alright?" Narcissa rose from her chair, pulling Bellatrix up with her. She ignored Narcissa's question, instead just looked around to make sure no one was staring, and whispered to her sister
"No one can notice!" They didn't walk very fast, but close to each other, and Narcissa ready to support her sister if she started passing out. When they made it out of the hall, where was no one, except the domestics or slaves actually, who were squibs, Bellatrix leaned on the wall while Narcissa got their cloaks from one of the slaves. Narcissa supported Bellatrix when she started reeling, and they made it to the Malfoy manor.

    Narcissa had to almost carry her sister upstairs, because she couldn't even stand without help. When they got upstairs, Bellatrix basically collapsed to her bed, not even caring about having her shoes and dress on or her hair completely putted on.
"Tell me, if you need anything", and with that Narcissa left her sister alone in her bedroom. Bellatrix felt a new wave of dizziness take over her and she closed her eyes and pit a hand on her forehead.

Back at the Crabbe's manor:

Everyone were laughing and celebrating. Lucius Malfoy started to look out for his wife, but didn't find her anywhere.
"Hey, Antonin have you seen my wife?" Lucius asked his fellow.
"No, but Bellatrix left to find her a while ago" Next Lucius went to the group of women Narcissa was usually talking to.
"Have you seen my wife?" He asked, when the young women studied him with a  naughty look. There was a silence until one of them spoke up, Crabbe's wife.
"Narcissa left somewhere with her." Lucius knew who she meant, because they were so afraid what she had done to them or their husbands. Lucius continued to try to find her wife, when the Dark Lord spoke to him
"Lucius, what are you trying to find?" Voldemort said with his stone cold voice, which sent shivers down everyone's spine.
"My wife. She left somewhere with Bellatrix but I can't find them."
"Have you been intelligent enough to ask from the servants?" An understanding look spreaded on Lucius's face and he bowed and left towards the door.  Lucius went to a male slave, who he knew was scared of all of them, and asked if he had seen Bellatrix Lestrange. Lucius knew that they wouldn't recognize her wife, but everyone knew her sister.
"She left a while ago with some other woman. She looked a bit dizzy" the servant said with a fearfull voice. Lucius went back to the hall, realising that Bellatrix had probably drank too much. He went to talk with the Dark lord, Dolohov, Goyle and Snape. Antonin Dolohov asked; "Did you find them?"
"One of those filthy squibs told me that Bellatrix left a while ago with another woman. Obviously Narcissa, and they told me that Bellatrix was quite reeling, and here we go again, that bitch drank too much" Goyle and Lucius broke out laughing, Snape had amused look on his face, Dolohov was about to protest that she didn't drink at all, and the Dark Lord was leaving to find out if something was wrong, as he knew that she couldn't or even wouldn't drink, when they heard a loud bang in the middle of the hall. There were about 20 people from Dumbledore's side, including a few trained aurors, and a lot of skilled fighters. In a second everyone had their wand ready, and then another second and there flew curses everywhere.

    The battle itself wasn't really long. 1 death eater, who didn't really matter to Voldemort, died and a few injured lightly. 4 from the order of the phoenix died, and a few were seriously wounded. They clearly hadn't sent their best fighters. But what mattered to Voldemort, was who exposed them. No one couldn't have come there, if they hadn't known all their wards. So there was a traitor with them. Interrupting his thoughts Macnair came to whisper some information to him, since he had already sent them to find out who did this. "My Lord, there was an anonymous letter sent to the order, but we found out where it came from. It came from the Black Manor, specifically from Druella Black." Bellatrix's mother. Why would she expose them? He apparated right outside from the Black manor, since the apparating wards on Crabbe's manor had been broken. He had his hood on, when he walked towards the door.
"My lord, what a surprise!" Cygnus said when he opened the door. The Black family had been one of his first followers, so he wondered why they did this.
"You know why I'm here. Get your wife here and better be quick to start explaining." He said with a tone leaving no possibilities for argument.

      "We - we- ha- d - no - intentions to harm you!" Cygnus cried between screaming under the Dark Lord's crucio.
"My Lord, please stop! I'll tell you the whole thing!" Druella begged. Voldemort lifted the curse and moved his interest from Cygnus to Druella.
"We were supposed to kill only one person. We just wanted to be your first choice!" So they were supposed to kill their own daughter, he thought.
"- please! I know we were foolish when we thought they would only kill her! We will do anything, just don't kill us!" He wondered how Bellatrix Lestrange was made of these two.

      Very late in the evening Bellatrix, still not feeling very well, was staring at the ceiling of her room, when she heard someone come up the stairs. She moved her gaze towards the door and she heard her sisters voice ; "I don't know if she's sleeping, she was really out of focus today." And then Narcissa opened her door carefully. Bellatrix rose enough to be in sitting position, her back leaning on a wall.
"Master", she said and nodded with respect. Narcissa left and closed the door behind her.
"There was an attack."
"I am sorry I left, I should be puni-" Voldemort interrupted her.
"I know you couldn't barely stand, your sister told me. And if you hadn't left, you would probably be at least injured now. The whole attack was originally a plan to kill you." Bellatrix was shocked by this information. Someone has tried to kill her twice in a week.
"Your mother and father." Anger flashed in her eyes, and her temper was already out of control
"I'm going to kill them!" With that said she got up from her bed,
"wouhh" she said, as she almost lost her balance immediatly, and the room started spinning around in her eyes. Voldemort, once again, helped Bellatrix lay down, not wanting her to pass out and hit her head to the ground.
"You must not strain yourself!" Voldemort exclaimed. Bellatrix took deep breaths again, and pressed her palm against her forehead.
"I've already dealt with your parents. They've been punished and I'll make sure they stay at the bottom."

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