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It was around 10am, and there were already the daily guests at the Malfoy manor. Even Narcissa herself wasn't always sure who was at the house at time. Now there were at least a few of high-ranked death eaters, a few of not-well-known Death Eaters the Dark Lord was punishing right now, and of course Voldemort himself. Bellatrix, Narcissa, Antonin Dolohov, Severus Snape, and the disgusting werewolf Fenrir Greyback were in the kitchen. Bellatrix was turning her wand in her hands, as an owl flew from the window, to give Narcissa the daily prophet. She started to read the front page, and quickly asked, with worry and terror in her voice
"Bella, have you seen this?" Bellatrix walked over to her, and took the newspaper to her hand. She started to read, and with every word her expression got more dangerous. The men watched this curiously and Antonin was first to speak: "What it is?" Bellatrix didn't reply, just stormed out of the room. She walked down the stairs, walked down the hall, stopping in front of one of the doors, knocked and said "My Lord?"  the screams inside stopped as a cold voice replied
"Come in" she wrenched the door open and she powefully walked in, nodding to her Lord to show respect. Bellatrix shot a glance to the two men he was torturing, who both stared at her, scared of what will happen next. Bellatrix had never seen them before, so they were really new Death eaters, but they surely had heard about her. Bellatrix didn't care about them, just walked right next to Voldemort showing him the Daily Prophet. He had a questioning look at first but when she handed him the newspaper he started to read. No one else would even dare to come this close to him, not even mentioning that no one else would never be allowed that close. Voldemort finished the two men with his rage brushing out, and he storming out of the room, Bellatrix quickly following him. Bellatrix was fustrated and she asked him
"How could someone possibly know?" Her temper was beginning to crack and he's already did.
"Keep suspections high for Rodolphus"
Bellatrix's pregnancy hormones added to her own temper exploded as they entered the kitchen
"Go get this Rita Skeeter!" Voldemort yelled at Dolohov, who left right away. The Dark Lord went to vanish the two prisoners. Bellatrix was going mad for her anger, and she needed to release it on something.
"Get me a mudblood!" She ordered the werewolf, who didn't look pleased.
"And why the hell would I take orders from you!" He answered, not seeing where this was going to. And then she snapped; she crucioed him, and did many other spells to hurt him more. And when she was done he was out of the house faster than a flash. Snape had just been watching this situation pleased for the werewolf to get him understand some respect. Voldemort came back, and asked them if they knew who was this Rita Skeeter, and any reasons she would write such things.
"She was in the same year with me at hogwarts. Such an attention whore. Wanted to be friends with me, filthy half-blood!" Bellatrix told them, while sitting on a couch. There rang the voice of Dolohov, from magical speakers.
"Could someone let us in?"

       And Bellatrix herself walked into the gate, opening it, and seeing the another woman pleading her for forgiveness.
"Bellatrix, old friends, aren't we? I didn't mean anything bad, I just-" She took Rita Skeeter from Dolohov's hold, and conjured a strangling iron collar around her neck, which she dragged her from. Rita Skeeter was now struggling to breathe. Once they got inside Bellatrix, threw Rita in front of Voldemort's feet with much force. Severus asked that what did the newspaper say, when Narcissa gave it to him to read. He started to read out loud, for himself and Antonin ; "Lestrange divorcing, Bellatrix Lestrange with another mans child-" The said woman turned to him, not having any control of her anger.
"SHUT UP!" Before Severus could say something back, Rita started to beg;
"My lord, I'm sorry, he made me write this. I didn't mean to- I- He would've killed me-" Bellatrix turned to her again, sneering
"And what do you think I'll do to you? I know many worse things than the pleasure of death!"
"I'm sorry- I'll do anything- I-" she cried on the ground. She freezed from fear when she first time heard the terribly cold voice; "Who exactly made you write this?" Skeeter only stared at the floor, too afraid to lift her gaze.
"Rodolphus Lestrange"
"I'm going to kill him!" Bellatrix yelled
"You will fix this. You will write an article, saying it's a lie, like it is, and everyone spreading that lie will be tortured to - death" Voldemort ordered, sending shivers down everyone's spine.

         And on the next morning it was on the Daily Prophet's front page, saying that yesterday's paper was false news. They had found, and tortured Rodolphus. Bellatrix made him apologise and bow to her, making sure he would never go up against her again.

         The next few days went peacefully. Lucius was still on a mission for another week, and Bellatrix had tortured a few muggles, mudbloods and bloodtraitors. She had teached some of the new death eaters a few dark spells. Or like she prefers to call it; the dark arts.

Sorry for the short (and maybe boring) chapter again, but if you would like me to add something (or some scene) to this story, comment and I'll consider it! And I would like to remind, that Bellatrix is still young (and beautiful) in this story, since now they've living in 1979! Thank you for reading!


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