New beginning

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After one month:

Hot afternoon the employee of the candy bar is preparing for tonight's opening again..  Everyone is busy on their assigned task and suddenly someone collapse .. and it's beam. All of them gathered to where beam is.. Manager kim who rush towards beam yells the employees who surrounds beam and says angrily " Go back to your work! Why bother to surround him? You just suffocating him. Let me handle this and continue what you are doing!!"  All the employees walk away from beam.

Beam looks like he's just sleeping that's why manager kim didn't worry much, he wants to make sure that beam is okay so he bring beam to the nearest hospital from the bar. Manager kim is waiting outside where beam is examined and after 10 minutes the doctor came out from the room and looks at him.

"You must be his partner? You must not let him tire his self especially  that the baby is now starting to grow in his womb" the doctor said .

Manager kim is dumbfounded hearing what the doctor say.. "What baby? I don't understand what you are sayi--" kim didn't finish what he wants to say because the doctor says "Ahhh.. I think he didn't tell you yet? Well congrats sir your partner is now 4 weeks pregnant & i'm sorry to spoil you it must be him who will tell you first" the doctor put his palm to cover his self. "I must go now mr. and again take care of him"

The words that the doctor says still didn't sink in to manager kim's mind. "Beam is pregnant?? But to whom? How?? Whyy??" A lot of questions are running to manager kims head but can't find any answer. So he decided to get inside the room where beam is.

Exactly when he get inside beam is now awake and already sitting on the bed while pressing his nape. He sat beside beam and offers to let him do the pressing beam allows him. While pressing manager kim ask beam  "Are you okay now? How do you feel? You scared me".

Beam looks at him "I'm fine now.. Sorry if i scare you.. I think i just overwork myself that's why i collapse.." Beam answer.. Manager kim stop pressing his nape and take beams hand to his and it shock beam he looks at manager who's now looking at him too. "Are you hiding something to me beam? As what i've said you're like a brother to me and as a brother i'm willing to hear whatever you want to say .. I will try my best to understand whatever it is. You can lean on me beam anytime you want. Manager kim says.

Beam is confused for what manager kim is saying, he ask with confusion "I -- i don't get what's your point manager kim" kim answer him directly

Manager kim: Why did you hide to me that you're pregnant?

Beam: "Who-- who's pregnant???"  (Beam's eyes wide open)

Kim: Ohh common beam don't hide it anymore i knew it already. The doctor thought that i'm your partner & he tells me that you are 4 weeks pregnant now and advice me not to let you over work for the baby's sake.

Beam: Me--? I'm pregnant? How could it ---- (beam didn't finish the word because a memory of him & forth that happens a month ago flashes in his memory.. ) this can't be-- (and tears flows down from his eyes)

Kim: Beam? Are you okay?? . Ok fine i won't ask anymore about it just stop crying.. (Kim wipes beam face with his hands..

Beam : (beam holds kims hand to stop him caressing his face) I-- uhmmm i'm sorry manager kim. I am shock as you, I only knew it just now too.. I didn't expect this to happen..

Kim: So, you mean you didn't know that you're pregnant? (Beam nods to his question and holds beam  hands) if you don't mind may i know who's the father? I didn't know that you're into men and i didn't saw you date anyone you are always at your home and work and didn't have any time to hang out. I just --

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