Two monkeys

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Beam is still looking for hospitals that has a blood type that he's looking for. He already got into 5 hospitals but he got the same answer, all of them haven't the blood type that he needed.

Beam is now heading back to the hospital without any good news. Walking heavy entering the hospital and someone hug him at it was kim who's smiling while hugging beam.

Beam: What's with the smile kim? I'm so depressed right now, i didn't succeed in convincing forth to help and i've been to other hospital asking if they have but they haven't. (Tears starting run down from beams eyes) What should i do now kim? I'm about to lose my mind thinking that i might lose lucky.

Kim: Lucky won't be happy see you breaking down beam. Cheer up now. As what you've name to that naughty boy, lucky won't be unlucky beam.

Beam: (Beam didn't get what kim is pointing about) what do you mean kim?

Kim: (Kim laughs) I thought you get it right away. Lucky's doctor says that there's someone who donated blood as what we needed. Lucky just got lucky beam!

Beam:(Beam eyes wide open) Is thaaaa---t for real kim?  (Kim nods) you're not joking right?

Kim: It's for real beam, actually lucky is under blood transfusion now. All we have to do is wait her, so you must sit back & relax.. Stop worrying for lucky now. He's a brave young man he can endure that pain * the procedure will be fine. Ok? (Looking at beam while smiling)

The transfusion went well , beam & kim is now at ease. Lucky is still asleep he needs to rest well to recover his strength. Beam headed to nurse station to ask the name of the one who donates the blood because he wants to thank him personally but the nurse assigned in the station didn't say anything about the donor they say that the donor didn't leave any name he wants his name to be confidential that is why even the nurse who holds the records didn't know either who the donor his. So beam headed back to the private room where lucky is sleeping.

While kim is also back at the room. He just came back from the billing station to settle the bill so that they can go home tomorrow.

Kim: So how is it? Did you get the name?? (Sitting at the couch and beam is sitting in the chair beside lucky)

Beam: It's confidential they say.

Kim: Really? Woww may God bless him for he has done. Uhmm by the way here's the receipt of the bill. (Handed to beam the receipt)

Beam: Kim, you don't have to do this, you already help a lot & even get interrupted your time looking for lucky while i'm out. I must be the one to pay this.

Kim: (looks at beam with two brows met) huh? What are you saying? Yes i was about to pay the bill but then the cashier only handed me the receipt that she forget to give and said that everything is settled now. So i thought that you're the one who pays the bill and just forget the receipt.

Beam:(looking at kim confuse) Huh? What are you saying? I never been at the billing station. (Beam open the receipt and staring at the signatory who pays but it he can't read it clearly because the stroke of the penmanship is too mess. The only letter that he can recognize is the letter "F". Kim walks closely to him and also stare at the signed receipt)

Kim:(Kim also can only recognize the letter "F" at the signature and see beam thinking very hard.. ) Is it forth that you are thinking? Cause if you do i think it too.

Beam: (Beam looks at kim) Noo way. It's not forth i'm pretty sure.

Kim: Why you say so?

Beam: Because he's heartless kim. Very heartless. I already told him everything but he didn't believe me instead he throws hurtful words towards me and even calling me a whore.

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