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Forth: Just don't tell beam about this dad, i don't want him to get worried about this. This is my battle. He's out of this. He has his own work. This is my field.

Jathurapoom: Of course i won't. But are you really sure that you can handle this alone?

Forth: Yes dad. As what i've promise to you when i said that if our company will be in a worst state because of my image i will take the responsibility. I won't let our company fall down just because i have a son to a guy and in a relationship with a guy. It doesn't have to do with that. It's my ability to handle the company that matters.  And besides you spend your whole strenght and life to build this dad. It's your hardwork i won't let it go to waste.

Jathurapoom: You know what son, you make me proud. You are really brave. I never expect you to be like this. At first i'm so hopeless about you being my successor because you just live your life in your favor. You played a lot. 

Forth: Love, changes me dad. Beam and Lucky lead me to be a goal digger. I doing my best to give them a wonderful life. After this dilemma i'll be asking beam to marry me. We'll be a legal family.

Jathurapoom: Do what you want son. As long as your happy i have no objection with that.

Jamornhum Company is in trouble right now. A lot of of their projects got cancelled and some of their investors withdraws their shares to the company due to the rumors that spread in the business industry about forth's marriage that got cancelled due to his sexuality.

One of their company's rival got confused of forth sudden cancelled plan of getting married knowing that there's only 1 week left before the ceremony without dropping proper reason.  So as a rival they hired a private investigator to investigate the real reason of the sudden break up, only to find out that the Director of Jamornhum Company has a son .. With a Guy. And they're living together at forths house. They found it as a threat to bring down the most promising company that the business industry has.

After giving the information to the medias it is quickly spread. And a lot of their investors file a petition to give back their invested money to the company and forth has no retort with that and a lot of their client summoned to cancel their project with the Jamornhum company. Good thing that not all is as close minded as the others so there are some who stayed and still trust the company.

Days have passed forth is getting busier day by day  because in the morning he has to personally talk one by one with the investors who withdraws their invested money to the company and convince them to trust him. By night he studied a lot of paper works revising some proposal for those projects that got cancelled . That leads forth to go home late .

Forth doesn't show beam how stress he is. He just keep on showing beam how happy he is everytime he goes home and see the two of his source of strength. Forth even wants to work at home at night and even during weekends but he don't want beam to see it and will suspect him that his company is in trouble now he doesn't want beam to get worried. He even ask the maids to not let any news paper will be displayed anywhere in the house . If someone will deliver a news paper to the house it must be thrown right away.

For forth home is not for work . It's for his family. A Family Quality time.

Saturday night beam,lucky and forth is at forth's room watching movie.. They lay in bed with lucky in the middle..

Forth: It's already 10 p.m love. It's time for you to sleep now..  i know your tired because of our picnic this afternoon you played so much at the park.

Lucky: Okay daddy. Goodnight.

Lucky then kiss forths cheeks and beams lips. Then close his eyes.

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