This is not right

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After 5 years:

A lot of things happens in 5 years. Beam gave birth to a healthy baby boy he named it Lucky Baramee because for him the is his lucky charm & he wants all the luck for his baby. Lucky is now a good looking 5 years old boy. Beam still lives with Manager kim. As for manager kim & his boyfriend symon they are now 2 years married.

Kim stopped working at the candy bar after his marriage and decided to go back to their own hometown where they lived before still brings beam with them. They put their own business with his partner, a coffee shop business with 3 branches now same town just different location, he let beam manage one of their branch and he takes care of the two other, while symon his partner is still working abroad and get two months vacation every year.

While beam is working he brings he's son with him, he wants to be hands on in taking care of his son. He's the one who sends off and pick up his son who's now in kindergarten and brings with him at his workplace.

While beam is busy doing reports inside his mini office of the coffee shop his employee barge in without knocking while catching his breath and tells beam that lucky got hit by a car after hearing what the employees said beam collapsed.

Beam wakes up at the hospital & he saw kim at his side. ..

Beam: What happen? (Looks at kim)

Kim: You collapsed

Beam: Why--- (beam suddenly remember what happen before he collapsed and his eyes wide open and hold kims hand ) Where's lucky???!!! Kim ??

Kim: Beam relax. (Tries to comfort beam) you might collapsed again if you'll be hysterical. Lucky is in ICU, and i won't lie to you he's not ok. (He sees beam shaking and he holds beam body to stop) If you'll going to panic and cry i'll tell you beam it won't help. The driver who hit lucky is now in prison for his reckless driving.

Beam: I want to see lucky. (Beam sobs and tries to relax his mind)

Kim: Lucky is in critical condition he losses a lot of blood he needs immediate blood transfusion as as possible.

Beam: So what are waiting kim? Let's do the transfusion then i'm fine now i can do it . (Beam tries to get up but stop by kim) why are stoping me??

Kim: That's the problem beam you and lucky didn't match. I did the test too just incase but we're not. And the worst thing is the hospital run out of that type of blood.

Beam: (Beam feels he was about to collapse again for what he hears, and the tears come down from his eyes) Whaaat should we do now?? I can't afford to lose lucky kim. (Beam sobs) he's my everything kim..

Kim:( kim rubs beams back and sigh deeply) but there's another way we can save lucky beam. (beam stops from sobbing and looks at kim asking for the next thing that kim wants to say) Lucky's father. There's a big possiblity that lucky's blood type is same as his. I don't want to brought this idea beam but lucky needs it as soon as possible & we're running out of time.

Beam: (Beam is staring blankly at kim) Uhhhh--

Kim: If you don't want to see him i'll be the one to talk to him . For lucky's sake beam we must let him know now.

Beam: Okay kim, but you're out of this you've done a lot of things for us. Let me handle this. I'll be the one to tell him & ask for blood transfusion.

Kim: But are you ready to face him??

Beam: No need to worry kim, i have no feelings for him anymore and lucky is my world now not him. I know this is not right because i have no intention to let him know about his son but i have no other way to save lucky..

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