Still You

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Forth's Office:

Forth: Oh beam, where's lucky?

Forth just returned in his office from a meeting & he saw beam inside his office, beam immediately stood up walks near forth who's  now sitting in his swivel chair.

Beam: I left him to kim. You're not answering your phone that's why i rush to come here.

Forth: Ohh sorry, i don't usually bring my phone with me when i'm in a meeting. Something happen to lucky? Don't just stand there, have a sit.

Beam sit down in front of forth's office table.

Beam: No there's nothing happen.. I came here to confirm something to you.

Forth: Confirm something?

Beam: When we're having a lunch awhile ago lucky told me that you agreed to lucky's request for him to live with your dad in canada. Is it true?

Forth just nods, beam's eyes widen.

Beam: Forth .....

Forth: It's his birthday wish, it's his request and  i just grant his wish, i just did my part as a father.

Beam: How about me? Did you even consider my decision if i agree with you?

Forth: Yes i did think of your decision and i'm pretty sure you won't agree, that's why i decided it by myself.

Beam: We already talk about this forth, and you also said that you don't want to be apart with lucky.

Forth: Yes i don't want to be apart from him, but what can i do if that's what he really wants. He choose to live with dad than to live with us.

Beam: You told me that we'll do everything for him not to leave us. Why did you change your mind now?

Forth: I don't want to disappoint lucky even more, he's already disappointed to us.

Beam: & you think by sending him off to your dad will lessen his hatred to us?

Forth: Maybe yes, maybe no. I don't know but atleast i agreed for what he wants.

Beam: Really forth? You just decide by yourself without thinking if it will be a good thing or not? I'm also his parent, the two of us should decide about it not just only you. You're being selfish!!

Forth: As what i've told you i already know that you won't agree, and what's wrong if my decision will prevail? As far as i remember you already given me the authority to take care of lucky. You're the one who surrender him to me and choose to just visit him anytime you want. So don't you ever say that i'm being selfish here.

Beam: So you really want to get away my son in my sight?

Forth: Why you say so? My dad always visit here twice or thrice a year. There's a lot of means now when it terms of communication, you can call him anytime you want, video call him or visit him there i won't hide him to you i'm not that cruel.

Beam stood up and smash with his fist the table that made forth to be startled.

Beam: You're so cruel forth!!

Beam stares forth with anger in his eyes, forth stood up and stares back to beam.

Forth: Not as cruel as you!!

Beam: You don't consider what will i feel when i'll be apart from lucky!! You're so heartless!!

Forth: Not as heartless as you!!!

Beam: You're being so unreasonable!!!

Forth: Look who's talking??

Beam: What did i do wrong for you to do this to me?

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