Wild monkey

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Forth's eyes went wide. Had he heard it wrong? He walk balk to beam and he holds beam shoulder. His grip on Beam's shoulders tightened unconsciously.

Forth: What did you say?

Beam: I don't want to repeat it.

Forth: Stop playing me beam. Say it!

Beam: No.

Forth: Please?

Beam: (sigh) I love you & i hate it.

Forth: (forth smiles) You're not joking right?

Beam: Yes, i'm not. And i hate myself for falling in love with you. I've been in love with you before you get engaged! I know it's not a good thing to confess right now because you already have samantha and you too will be soon getting married.

Forth: Why didn't you tell me then the earlier? I don't love samantha.

Beam: What do you mean?

Forth: She's just a cover up. I fall for you and thinking i have no chance, I used her to move on from you. She's inlove with me and i took advantage of it.. Thinking that maybe i will learn to love her too. but i failed beam. Obviously failed.

Beam: Then why didn't you tell me earlier?

Forth: How can i?? You have that gorilla! You keep on talking about him, and you're always with him.  That's why i'm acting grumpy the past few days to you.

Beam: Are you yelling at me? Why are you raising your voice?

Forth: Sorry, i just can't help myself to be jealous to that gorilla. Beam ...

Beam: What?

Forth: Caa--n you leave him for me?

Beam: How about you can you leave samantha and cancel your wedding?

Forth: I can. I truly can.

Beam: It's a big issue then, and can affect your company's reputation.

Forth: I don't care. So, can you leave him for me?

Beam: No, i can't ...

Forth was hurt in beams answer, he then get his phone from his pocket and called someone and turned on the loudspeaker. Beam was clueless in what forth is doing and after 4 rings the other line answer forths call..

Jaturaphoom: What leads you to call me? Any emergency?

Beam hears forth father's voice in the line.

Forth: Yes, because i want to call off the wedding dad.

Jaturaphoom: Stop talking nonsense forth!!

Forth: No i'm not. I'm breaking up with samantha later. I just want to inform you first.

Jaturaphoom: What comes in your mind forth? Do you know how bad will be the impact of that issue in our company?

Forth: I know and i don't care, i'll face it if everything bad happens to the company i will take the responsibility. But first i will first follow what my heart wants. I want to be live the rest of my life with the one i love, and that is beam.

Forth then hangs up the call and put his phone back to his pocket and he stares at beam.

Beam: What are yo--u--

Forth: You heard it and i'm not going to retreat. I'll surrender everything i have to be with you. You are worth the risk beam. I'm going to fight my feelings for you.

Beam: Foorth ....

Forth: Just tell me if you finally decide to leave kim or --

Beam : I can't leave him.

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