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Beam was the first to wake up. Squinting because of the light from the window and then feeling a little weird.

Beam: What happen? Why my body aches?

Beam thought feeling disoriented. Then, reality came crashing down like landslide on beam the moment he open his eyes.

He was in forth's arms. Forth was sleeping next to him, his face so close, that beam could feel his breath fanning his forehead and last night; they had officially confessed their feelings towards each other.

Beam could not even tell whether he turned red or blue when the memory of how he had behaved flashed before his eyes.

Beam: So lewd! So shameful!

Beam bit his lip; but he loved forth so much. He didn't regret any of it. But now, he really need to go to the bathroom. Beam felt sticky all over, except for the part where forth had connected with him, that part felt a little sore but not sticky. Then he remembered, forth had been cleaning him thoroughly after their last round of love making and he fell asleep in middle of it.

Beam blushed again, embarrassing indeed. Then, beam carefully turned the other side and pushed himself up slowly, into a sitting position not wanting to wake the other man up. He looked around for their clothes, and saw that forth's shirt was the closest so he grabbed it and put it on. Forth's sweet scent emanating from the shirt. He loved it so much.

Carefully, he stepped on the floor one leg after another, and stood up. To his horror, his legs completely buckled up and he could have fell to the floor if it wasn't for a pair of strong hands grabbing him mid torso, pulling him back onto the bed.

Beam: Hiyaaa!!!

Beam screamed, blushing as forth pinned him down, staring at him taking his time running his sharp hawk like eyes all over his body. Beam's whole body became hot in an instant.

Beam : Fo--ooorth ahhh...

Beam's  voice was so small and shy, tempting forth beyond belief.

Forth: Is there anything that this guy do, that does not tug into his heart and made him fall even more in love with him? (Forth thought)

Forth: Hmm? Yes love??

Forth raised an eyebrow then bent down to kiss his beloved tasting him, and true enough, beam felt as sweet as he had anticipated. Beam's own eyebrow went up in shock.

Beam:  Good God! What does this man think he is doing? First thing in the morning..and I had not even brush my teeth yet!!!  (Beam screamed in protest silently)

Beam: Forth Jathurapoom!!!

Forth drew back, looking at beam questioningly, whenever someone would call him in his full name he knows it is serious.

Forth : Good morning love ...

Forth nuzzled beam's nose with his own.

Forth: Don't be so grumpy so early in the morning..

Beam: The sun is already high, forth .. We should get up before lucky barge in here.

Beam said, pointing at the door ..

Beam : and I need to go to the toilet..

Forth: Let him, so that, that little monkey will understand that from now on he must give us privacy especially during bed time .. (Smirked)

Beam: YOU!!!

Beam tries to get out from forth's hug but he failed because forth grips him tight.

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