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Beam: Ohh you're here already? What time did you arrive?

Beam ask forth who's already at their room staring at him sitting crosslegged and his arms crossing in his chest.

Beam: You're obviously waiting to have shower with me since you're still in your suit huhh. Such a naughty baby you are..

Forth: Where have you been?

Forth ask him directly with a seriousness in his face and beam feels uneasy with the mood forth is showing.

Beam: Wha--t's with the tone?

Forth: Answer me. Where have you been?

Beam: Oh---kay.. I'm obviously doing overtime paper  works.

Forth: The truth.

Beam smirk.

Beam: It's the truth.

Forth: I've been to the coffee shop before i go home and it's already closed.

Beam: Uh--ahh why didn't you call me then? I'm at kim's house because i have a lot to ask.

Forth: I called kim. He said he's not with you he's at his friends house.

Beam doesn't know what to say.

Forth: Tell me now.

Beam sits in front of forth lowered his head.

Forth: You always go home late this past few days and your reason is due to your overtime paper works. I did clarify it to kim and he said there's no deadlines or paper that is needed to be finished.

Beam raise up his head and look into forth that  still in his position his legs and arms are in cross position seriously staring at him waiting for his question to be answered but still beam doesn't utter anything. He can't think of any excuses.

Forth: Is there any problem beam? Tell me.

Beam: Is there any problem forth? Tell me.

Beam ask in his own thought but he can't spit it out. Forth sigh and he spread his legs and arms from crossing. He then pick an envelop beside him and gave it to beam.

Forth: Try to look at those pictures. I will let everything slide if you will just tell me that you don't have anything with that guy and that pictures are all edited. That there's just someone who's trying to ruin our relationship. Tell me love.

Beam scanning the pictures , the picture contains a stolen shots of beam laughing, holding hands, talking and eating with another man . Beam doesn't say anything..  Forth hold beams hand.

Forth: This ain't true right? Love tell me so that i won't believe it. We will find whose behind this. We will find out who wants to ruin our relationship. I will tak----

Beam: This is true.

Forth froze for what he hears from beam. He release his hands from gripping beams hand. He then stands up and walking back and forth from left to right..  While lowers again his head doesn't want to look at forth.. Forth then sits back and looks at beam.

Forth: Howww?!! Why?!! Wha--at did i do wrong to you? Te--ll me beam.

Forth: Is he the reason why you've been busy this past few days???

Forth: Isn't he the barista in the coffee shop? Since when you are cheating with me?

Beam didn't answer forth's questions. Forth turns his hand into fist trying to control his anger not to burst out.

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