Sudden Feelings

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It's been a week since forth and beam got into an argument and forth never showed up to lucky because of his busy schedule also forth is confused about his feelings he keeps on thinking of beam every night and even though his busy at his company, image of beam pops up in his mind out of nowhere.

It's saturday morning, lying in a chair sipping his coffee at his mini veranda looking far away trying to relax his mind then his phone suddenly rings, he saw it was call from beams number he sigh deep before answering the call.

Lucky: Hey, big monkey! Why are you not coming here anymore? Bring me at somewhere fun!! Let's hang out.l!! Pick me up here i'm bored...

Forth: (Forth decided to make fun of Lucky) Why should i?

Lucky: Because you're my father we must bond and as what you've said you'll do anything to make me love you.

Forth: Ahh yes i said that but i already change my mind. I don't  want to make any effort for you love me anymore.

Lucky: Why?  (Answer in a low voice)

Forth: Hmm. I don't want to force you and beside you already have your papa and dada who you love the most while me i'm just a big monkey in your eyes and mind who you can be with everytime you're bored. When i was at your house last time you even ignore me and forget that i'm still there when you see your dada.

Lucky didn't say anything a moment of silence in a few minutes

(I think he already fall to my trap hahahaha i got you little monkey!)

Lucky:Buuu--t i like you! I like being with you!

Forth: Yes i know but that's all. I think i will find some kid that will love me immediately and calls me daddy.. Hmmm.. Why don't you hang out with your dada instead of me?

Toot--toot--toot the call was ended by lucky and forth can't stop laughing.

It so fun pranking you my little monkey.. You are really my son you got pissed easily. Hahahahaha i'll just make it up to you if you will not call me again ..

It's already afternoon and he received no call from lucky and he doesn't want to call back because beam might answer the phone. He decided to go at beams house and beam opens the door for him.

Forth: Where's lucky?

Beam: He's in his room. He skip his lunch and he didn't finish his breakfast the moment he stop talking to you in the phone and started throwing his tantrums, he didn't want to take a bath , doesn't want to talk to me or tell me what he's being angry for, He said he wanted to be alone.

Forth: (sigh) Can i see him?

Beam: He's hard to please when he sulk. What did you do this time forth?

Forth: Okay ... I just played a little prank on him thats it.

Beam: You played other hearts and you also played luckys heart too? He's too young to be played with you forth and he doesn't deserve to be played!!

Forth: (massaging his forehead with his finger) I don't to argue again with you. I'm here to see and talk to lucky please let me.

Beam just lead forth to their room and let forth come inside and he lock the door.. Forth saw lucky lying in the bed watching the TV facing in his right side then forth comes close to him and he hugged lucky and kiss lucky's head at the top.

Lucky: Papa i said i want to be alone. You're too heavy get off your arms around me.

Lucky tries to get off from forth hands from hugging him but forth uses strength so lucky failed, lucky just sigh still doesn't look to forth who's at his back.

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