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Beam's POV:

What's gotten into forth? He's ignoring me again, what did i do to receive that cold treatment huh? He doesn't even say any words before leaving at the house this morning. He usually greet me good morning and we will eat breakfast together.

We're just fine the past few days but after the picnic he's giving me a cold shoulder. Should i ask him?

Kim: hey, are you day dreaming again?

Beam: Ohh kim, what brought you here?

Kim: I came to deliver the ingredients for our new dessert.

Beam: You don't have to do that, you should have called me so that i can pick it up by myself.

Kim: No worries beam, symon also told me to take a picture the other branches of our coffee shop because he's planning to re design it and he wants to be hands on in doing it when he comes home.

Beam: Symon is about to go home?

Kim: Uhuhh he's having a vacation leave for a month. He'll be here after one week.

Beam: Woww, so you'll be busy then?

Kim: Not really, he'll be busy because of the renovation he wants for the shops.

Beam: You guys can appoint others, you must enjoy the moments together.

Kim: I already told him about that, but he really wants to do it, i have nothing to do about it i must support him for what he wants.

Beam: He's so lucky to have an understanding, loving caring and supportive man like you.

Kim: Of course!! (Kim laughs) So, how's you?

Beam: As if we're not together yesterday for you to ask. Hahaha

Kim: What i mean is you & forth.

Beam: Uhmm. Well. I don't know why he's ignoring me again since the day he left us at the park and do his prenuptial pictorial.

Kim: I think he's jealous.

Beam: Huh? What do you mean by that? Why should he?

Kim: It's for you to found out beam. I don't want to make any conclusion 'cause i might be wrong. I'll just leave it to you.

Beam: I don't get what are you saying kim.

Kim: What i mean is you have to take actions to get the answers you want for all the questions that bothering to you beam.

Beam : You mean the question that why forth is ignoring me?

Kim: Uhuhh.. Stop thinking too much, start seeking for answer. Ohh okay i have to go i need to go to the other one.

Beam: Ah-ehh okay...

Kim leaves the shop left beam thinking what should he do then he decided to ask forth tonight when he got home. Nights comes when beam and lucky enters the the door of forths house they saw forth sitting at the sofa with a laptop on his lap, lucky run towards forth who is busy typing then hug by lucky, forth hugs back lucky and kiss while samantha sat beside forth busy looking at her phone.

Beam: Uhmm.. Good eve---

Forth: Welcome love, have you eaten? (Forth ask smiling at lucky while beam's appearance ignored by forth, beam then just pass by heading upstairs in their room)

Lucky: Yah, papa needs to work overtime so dada brought as meal at the shop and we ate together. (Smiling)

Forth: Ahh okay (the moment forths hears the word dada his mood change) go upstairs love then wash up.

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