Family Matters

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Beam: Won't you come with me to get lucky inside?

Forth: No, i'll just stay here inside the car. You go get him now.

Beam then get off the car to get lucky inside kim's house. Later on beam already get lucky and place lucky at the backseat, the kid is surprised that beam also ride in and is the one who's driving the car.

Lucky: Why is that you're the one driving daddy's car pa?

Forth: You didn't greet me yet. Am i invisible here huh.?

Lucky then stand up and grabs forth face then gave a kiss on the kiss..

Lucky: Sorry dad. So dad why is papa is the one who's driving? Is he going home with us or we will just dine in outside again?

Forth: Uhmm.. Papa will go home with us.

Lucky smiles wide. He then hug forths neck and looks to beam.

Lucky: Is it true papa?

Beam just nod, he's focus on driving. Forth slowly tas beam hands as if signaling beam something.

Forth: You should help him when we got home.

Lucky: Of course i'll help. What can i help to papa?

Forth: To pack up your things. You'll help him choose what you want to bring with you.

Lucky: Pack up? Bring with me? Are we going in a vacation?

Forth: No. You want to be in canada right? I ask dad to pick you up as soon as possible and your papa also agreed to send you off as soon as possible so he's with us to help you pack up.

Lucky feels weak, he then back his self to sit. He keeps his self busy by staring at his lego toy.  Beam gave forth an angry glare forth just smirked.

Lucky: I thought you don't want me to be apart from you. Why is that the both of you suddenly agree?

Forth: You're the one who really wanted that love. We just grant your wish..

Beam: forth ---

Forth: Oh love, after we send lucky to dad , let's make another baby okay? I want a new child that i will call love everytime i go home and plays with me.

Beam: Forth!! You're not fun--

Beam didn't finish his words because of lucky's loudest cry at the back, the kid keeps on kicking the passenger seat that forth is sitting.

Lucky: I hate you! I hate you!!!!!! You ugly monkey!!

They finally arrived at their house lucky is still whining inside the car and doesn't want to get out.

Beam: Baby? Calm down please? Don't listen to your dad he's just teasing you. Come on let's go inside.

Lucky still refuse to get out laid his eyes on forth with anger.

Forth: You won't get out there? Ok then we will get your things so that we will send you straight to the airport..

Lucky cries out loud again.. He then rush to hug beam asking beam to carry him. He hugs beam tightly he didn't take any glance at forth until they arrived at forth's room. Beam put lucky in the bed , the kid rush to cover his own self with duvet to avoid forth.

Beam: You're being childish again forth. You're scaring him. Come here let me clean up your wounds.

Forth: Did he already ate?

Beam: Yes. And he already took a bath their also kim says. You should have go with me to greet kim and to inform him about us

Forth: No need. I still have no strength to punch him my hands are injured.

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