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Forth: Yeah, i have a dinner date with samantha with her family, i also didn't expect this to happen.. I'm sorry beam i'm the one who ask you to cook for our dinner and yet--

Beam: It's okay forth, you don't have to say sorry.

Forth: (sigh) you are not mad right? Or upset?

Beam: No i'm not.. (He lied) She's your priority after all because she's your fiancee.

Forth: I still feel sorry. How about we---

Beam: Enjoy your dinner forth, bye. ( ends the call)

Forth: Beaam! (sigh)

After the dinner he has with Samantha and her family he go home straight, when he arrived at his house beam and lucky is already asleep in their room.

Right in the morning beam wakes up late, lucky is not in his side, he got out from bed wash his face then go out in the room to go downstairs then headed to the kitchen.

Beam: Where's lucky?

Maid 1: He's upstair, i ask him to bring the hot porridge in a tumbler i made and a medicine for sir forth.

Beam: Medicine? To forth? But why what happen?

Maid 1: Sir forth got an Upset stomach, he woke me up 3 in the morning asking for medicine to calm his tummy. I think it's because he eats too much last night when he got home he ask me if there is any left overs of the food that you make and when he saw it he eats it all.

Beam: That monkey!!!

Beam leaves the kitchen then walks fast upstair and go straight at forth's room he open the door and saw lucky hugging forth who hugs the child also, he saw the tumbler of porridge that has not been touch as well as the medicine. Out of anger beam kicks the bed and get the duvet out from forths body. The father and son got startled release their hug together then laid their eyes to beam with his two hands in his waist looking obviously angry.

Beam: You get up forth. Lucky you get out of the room. (Lucky shakes his heads giving me beam an answer as a NO. then he hugs forth  back.)

Lucky: Daddy is not feeling well, i must take care of him, no one can take care of him but me.

Beam: If you want to take care of him then why didn't you convince him to eat the porridge and take the medicine?

Lucky: He's in pain he couldn't get up easily and nanny says that daddy sleep late because of the pain that's why i didn't force him to get up and eat the porridge that nanny made.

Beam: It's not a valid excuse lucky, if you want him to get better you must tell him to eat those and take the medicine.

Forth just turn his back from beam and sob his face in the bed. Beam kicks the bed.

Lucky: I must gave him the pain reliever first to ease the pain .  He said that he's stomach got upset after he eats all the leftovers food that you cooked last night.

Beam: It's his fault. Why did he eat again after eating outside with his soon to be family? Isn't that being fool? It serves him right. No one tells him to eat it.

Lucky covers forth ears. And looks at beam angrily.

Lucky:Instead of comforting daddy you're nagging at him .. I didn't know you are that heartless papa, it's wrong calling him a fool he's just being kind to appreciate you made for him, daddy did that because he don't want the food that you make go into waste, i'll do the same thing if i were him. ( beam is stunned for what lucky says)

Beam: Baby, that's not what i mean ..

Lucky: Papa, you better left the room i know daddy is hurt for what you have said.. I'll take care of him.

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