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Beam tells kim everything what happen and kim is happy for him, for now on beam has no secrets to hide from forth & lucky.

Lucky and beam are lying in  bed at their room and getting ready to sleep when suddenly his phone rings and saw an unknown number on the screen but he still answer it.

Beam: Hello? May i know you?

No one is talking in the other line so beam decided to drop the call minutes pass his phone rang again with the same number appears in the screen.

Beam: Hello?  .... If you won't talk again i'll block your---

Forth: Don't block it, it's me forth.

Beam: (Beam didn't talk again he wonders why did forth knows his number then finally he remember that he gave forth a calling card.)

Forth: Hello beam? You still there?

Beam: Uhh ahmm yes. Sorry i didn't recognize your voice. What leads you to call me at this hour?

Forth: Did i disturb you?

Beam: No. Actually i'm just about to sleep. I just wonder why you make a call this late.

Lucky: (Lucky who is busy in his airplane toy put down his toy and lean closer to the phone trying to hear who's talking on the other line) Who's that papa? Is it dada? But dada is at the other room only. Can i talk to him?

Beam: No it's not dada, it's---

Forth: Is lucky still awake? I just want to talk to him before i sleep. (Beam turn on the loudspeaker of the phone so that the two can talk & for lucky not to be tired holding the phone to his ears. And beam get up from bed & go to c.r ..

Lucky: Dada is that you?? You just come here at our room , let's sleep together.

Forth: why are you calling me dada? I thought you are going to call me daddy huh? You're such a tease little monkey.

Lucky: Daddy monkey?!! Is that you? I thought it was dada.

Forth: Why you say so??

Lucky: Because only dada calls papa. Do you miss me already big monkey?

Forth: No.

Lucky:Me neither.(forth laughs) Actually i forgot your face already.

Forth: If you want to remember my face just look at yourself in the mirror and you will remember it.

Lucky: Are you ordering me now? You do it yourself.

Forth: Hahahaha you naughty boy. I accept defeat. Only you can make me surrender you little brat. Yes i do miss you even if it's just an hours we separated my little monkey.

Lucky: I don't like losing to anyone big-- i mean daddy monkey.

Forth: You talk so well . But how i wish you can call me daddy without forgetting or hesitation calling me that. (Forth says in a low voice .. h was hurt) 

Lucky: I didn't do it intentionally it's just that i'm still not getting used calling you daddy we only met this afternoon ,i don't know you so well too.

Forth: You're really mature for your age love.

Lucky: Why are you calling me love?

Forth: I'm calling you love because i already love you the moment i saw you, even tho you're ready to shoot me with your gun. How about you? What do you feel about me?

Lucky: Oh well i won't deny that i like you big monkey.

Forth: That's it? You only like me? How about love?

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