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The two didn't utter a word forth is just closing his eyes pretending as if sleeping while beam is staring at him they are facing each other since they are both hugging lucky who's now at his deep sleep. Beam decided to break the silence he know that forth is not sleep yet.

Beam: I already told lucky about us ... (Forth didn't reply) i know you're not asleep because if you are sleep your snore can woke up a sleeping bear.

Beam still receive no response from forth.. Beam sigh deep..

Beam: Why are you still ignoring me? I already told lucky about us. I'm sorry . Talk to me now.

Beam: Now i know why lucky is hard to please when he's sulking he obviously got it from you, even though he's still young, i'm always having a hard time pleasing him everytime he's upset to something.. And now i realized i'll be having the hardest time in the future thinking that i'll be comforting or pleasing two hard headed aliens.

Forth is about to laugh for what did beam says but he still act as if he don't care he's enjoying beam's efforts.

Beam: Are you sleeping for real or Are you that heartless towards me? I think you don't really love me. Should we end this? Answer me forth. (Beam sounds hurt and minutes pass still forth is silent.) Okay goodnight forth ...........


Forth opens his eyes and looks at beam face who's staring at him with a sadness in his eyes. Forth smiles and winks at beam..

Forth: BINGO! (He laughs)

Beam feels insulted to what forth did, he gets up out from the bed and headed to walks out from the room but forth moves faster follows him grab his arms and envelop beam with his hug. Beam is facing forth's chest then he tries to make space so he can breath he bows down his head.

Beam: A---re you having fu--n?

Forth: YES.

Beam didn't make any noise or move he just let forth hug him caressing his back.

Forth: Let's go back to the bed and sleep . It's already late .

Beam: I'll sleep in my room.

Forth: I'll sleep in your room too.

Beam: then you go there and i'll be sleeping here with lucky.

Forth: okay, okay sorry for what i did awhile ago .

Forth lift up beam's chin to look at him but beam looks at his side didn't want to look at forth's eyes.

Forth: Love---- look at me please. (Beam follows what forth says then forth smile for what beam did)

Forth: Such a good baby of mine.

Beam: I'm not like you who don't listen, you will just listen when i'm deeply hurt .

Forth: Ohh i'm sorry love i didn't mean to hurt you i'm just being hard to please for you to pamper me.

Beam: I hate being rejected forth. (Forth hugs beam with worries)

Forth : I'm sorry love i really didn't mean to hurt you. I'm just enjoying the attention you are giving to me you know how i'm craving for your love and affection. I won't do it again please forgive me ..

Beam: Just tell me what you want i can give you that just don't do that ignoring and rejecting me game. It's not funny forth.

Forth: I'm sorry love. I'm really sorry. I really do.

He then kiss beam's forehead and hold beams face and looks at beam ..

Forth: I'm sorry and i love you so much love. Forgive me Please?

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