Ain't Lucky

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Beam is worried about lucky after he hears lucky complain about their set up. Beam decided to go to the house and comfort his son..

Beam arrives at the house and he saw lucky watching T.V at the living room the kid didn't notice him. He walks towards the sofa and sat beside lucky that make the kid startled.

Lucky: Papa!!!!

The kid hug beam tight and beam hug the kid back.

Lucky: I knew it, you do really love us.

Beam: You're expecting me to go here?

Lucky: Uhuhh.. 'Cause i know you can't resist us. You really love us  so much.

Beam smiles and give lucky a kiss.

Lucky: Can we go to daddy now?

Beam: Why? Where's he?

Lucky: After daddy ate his breakfast and take his med he says that he wants to sleep more.

Beam: Maybe he really wants to rest baby.

Lucky: I think it's not maybe he's sulking 'cause you're not taking care of him. He needs a tender love and care not just from me but also from you.

Beam: Uhhmm--

Lucky: Come on pa.

Lucky holds beam hands and drags upstairs but beam suggested that they must bring forth lunch upstainlr then after they go upstairs and entered forth's room, forth is still asleep. Lucky climbs in the bed and shakes forth's body while beam put the food in the table and sat in the bed.

Lucky: Hey dad wake up .. Heyyyyy dadddd. . Heyy monkeey wakeeee up!

Forth:  Oh~~ love what brings you here?

Lucky: Someone is here to take care of you.

Forth: Huh?

Forth didn't saw beam when he open his eyes then lucky points out beam who's sitting at the other side of the bed, he quickly sat up and stares at beam. He's shocked because he just think a lot about beam just this morning and now beam is in his sight now.

Forth: Wha--at are you doo-ing here beam?

Beam: Uhm--

Lucky: He's here to take care of you of course!

Lucky smile and signaled beam to come closer to them.  Beam climbs up and sat in the bed the three is now sitting in the bed with lucky at the center. Lucky holds forth face grab near his nose and smells forth's mouth.

Lucky: Daddy doesn't smell stinky anymore papa.

The two of them laugh by lucky's remarks.

Forth: I did brush my teeth twice to avoid your scolding and being disgust by my smell love.

Lucky: Is that really your reason? Or you're afraid that papa might come home and won't kiss you because you smell horrible?

Forth & beam just smile they don't know how tp counter attack with their sons reasoning.. Forth ruffles lucky's hair in response.

Lucky: So what are you doing papa? Won't you give daddy a kiss? He's being a good boy tho. Kiss him na~

Beam was stunned. Forth just looked away he can't look straight to beam.

Lucky: Are you shy? Don't be! I already saw you two kissing how many times.

Forth: Love? Papa is not shy, it's just that he might get infected too, remember i'm sick right?

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