E P I L O G U E ?

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4 days have passed . The three arrive at their house from their work. Lucky already run inside the house rush towards their room to open his new toys bought by forth. Beam and forth is still inside the car in the garage. Forth take a glance at beam that has been staring for him and didn't get off the car yet.

Forth: What's with the stare love?  Won't you  get off? I'm about to go to my friends.

Beam: Who's going with you at your night out tonight?

Forth: Just my college friends. One of our buddy just got home here from dubai he wants some catch up night ..

Beam: You'll behave there?

Forth: I will love.

Beam: What time you will go home?

Forth: Depends but i won't drink too much. Promise.

Beam: Should i wait for you?

Forth: No need love. You can sleep first.

Beam: Is the bar you're going is not a bar with those~~

Forth laughs

Forth: Even if there's, i won't dare. I can't bare another break up.

Beam: Hmm. Wake me up when you arrive.

Forth: You look so worried about me hanging out with my friends.

Beam didn't response.

Forth: You don't want me to go or you don't trust me?

Beam grabs forth then kiss forth. Once their lips touched, sparks of electricity erupted and a beautiful dance ensued within the boundary of that tightly seal space. In that moment, their breaths became eager, impatience get deeper and deeper into their anxious lips.

Beam: What if i don't want you to go?

Forth: Your reason?

Beam run down his fingers to forths buttons and looks at forth's eyes.

Beam: I just don't want.

Forth: I'm not convinced.

Beam: I'm afraid that someone will flirt to you there. You're mine only. I don't want someone to touch you, it's a bar after all..

Forth: I already said i'll behave.

Forth gently kiss beam's forehead. Forth lips stays there for a minute. Beam's eyes closed, he wanted to enjoy the moment.

Forth: You don't have to worry. I'm already devoted to you, i'm all yours. remember that.

Beam was feeling his heart full of ease, a little count, he let himself jumped awkward. He kissed forth heavily and could not wait to swallow the man.

Later on he stop the kiss. He stared at forth charming deep eyes, he felt that they have to get caught in the eyes. He felt a familiar warmth in his body. He sneak his face inside forth's neck..

Beam: Don't go, Let's go inside and I want to you to fuck me.

Forth mouth can't help but to grin, this is the first he hears beam request that thing. He raise his brows showing beam that he is surprise to his request. Forth phone suddenly rang and it's a call from his college buddy.

Forth: Oh, yeah i know.. I'm sorry park i have an important appointment tonight that i can't cancel.

Forth glares at beam who's blushing right now.

Forth: Tell them i'm sorry. I promise i'll get you back next time. Just this time i really can't.. Ohhh. Thank you for understanding. Okay you guys enjoy there.

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