1. I'm still Troye I just happen to like boys...

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-Troyes POV (Point Of View)-
(Flashback to 16 year-old Troye)

"Dad I..." That's all I could choke out. I could feel the lump in my throat stopping the words from coming out. Why was this so hard? He's my dad. I should be able to tell him anything and this is a big deal.

As I tried to muster the words, I stared at my feet.

"Dad I'm gay." I managed to say rather calmly if I do say so myself. We sat in an awkward silence for about 30 seconds before he embraced me in a huge hug. I could feel the tears starting to form in my eyes. I had finally done it. I have finally admitted to myself and someone other than Kay about my sexuality and it felt great.

(End flash back)

The worst part about traveling is the long ass plane ride! Luckily I had Tumblr and loads of Tyler Oakley videos to keep me occupied! I am flying to America to surprise my American friends. I just hope Tilly doesn't try to Skype me while I'm on the plane. That would not be good!

I settle into the not so comfy airplane chair and pull out my laptop. After plugging in my ear buds and connecting to the free WiFi ( thank the lord!) the stewardess comes around asking what we want to eat and drink. 

After I tell her, she brings it, and I eat, I fall asleep listening to Tyler Oakley's voice. I could listen to him talk all day. I could get lost in his eyes all day.

SNAP OUT OF IT TROYE!  You guys are best friends and you don't want to ruin that by getting lost in his big beautiful eyes... And with Tilly's eyes filling my mind, I fall into a peaceful sleep with a smile on my face.

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