Chapter 16

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Update schedule is working!!


That was the longest plane ride I swear! 15 hours later... I breathed in the sunny LA air, this is cool. Following my parents towards the car we got to borrow, I switched my phone off flight mode and flicked Luke a text,

T: Landed safe, it's super hot here. Like hotter than Aus :) X

L: Coool. Band practice is weird without youuu :(

T:  Awh Luke, you will survive 30 days ;) Talk soon getting dinner.

L: Can't survive... it's been half a day :/ Eat lots talk sooon

With that we pulled up to a side cafe near the hotel and got take away dinner and continued to the hotel. Woah, this place was flash! Beach view I was in love. I walked into the upstairs room doing come exploring and set up my mac to start some editing. Tomorrow mum and I would be going to the beach while dad had meetings ha! It was 10:30pm when I logged into my skype. Within 5 mintues I was getting a video call from Luke, rolling my eyes I accepted.

"Toriii, you look good I like your necklace where'd you get it"

"Hey, don't mock my oversized hoodies. Some weird Australian"

"Haha, you like it?"

"I do Luke, I really do"

"Thats good kid"

We talked for another 30 minutes, well mainly Luke talked, I listened. Jetlag got the better of me and before I knew it I fell asleep.

"So thats track 4,  Oh your asleep. Awhh. I will end the call. Night Tee"



I woke up with a sore neck. Never late night skyping again I thought so much for getting editing done. I put on my muscle tee under my bikini along with a pair of shorts amd skipped downstairs for food. I grabbed a apple and flicked on the tv,

"Boyband One Direction spotted on private, invite only LA beach"

I screamed, my inner fangirl comming out

"Tori for goodness sake"

My dad sighed comming down the stairs followed by my mum.

"So you and Tee along with the Brooks family will be going to a private beach while I have a meeting"

Dad was telling mum and I the plans for the day

*Knock*  *Kncok*

In walked a mother and a daughter and a girl around my age,

"Tori this is Josie"

My dad intoduced me to the girl, who I assumed we were going to the beach with today

"Hi Tori, you make youtube videos right?"

"Hi, haha yeah I do"

Josie was a bit shorter than me. Had green eyes and straight dirty blonde hair.

"What part of Australia are you from"

I asked, trying to aviod awkwardness. I wanted to be friends with this Josie,

"Brisbane, your from Sydney right?"

"Sure am"

"Thats cool, you hang with 5sos!!"

"Yeah, you like them?"

"Yes they seem lovely!"

"Yeah they are. Actually after the beach we could skype them?"

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